In violation of every term of the Constitution of Italy, the Charter of Human Rights of the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi’s Government. 28 May 2021
The terms of this Dictatorial Decree oblige every resident of Italy to take the Vaxx, regardless of any position of religion or conscience.
Those who refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.
Here is a direct link to the Italian Gazette, the official publication of the Italian Republic regarding laws. The Decree of April 1, 2021 was converted into a “law” by a vote in Parliament last week. The key wording is in Article 5, where anyone, who is deemed to be “not in present use of their natural faculties” — i .e. asleep — can be vaccinated by medical staff, because their consent is PRESUMED.
This is barbarism.
The Draghi government is going forward with its mass vaccination program with calculated steps. Already in past weeks we have seen political dissidents threatened with or receiving TSO’s (being taken to a mental asylum) for refusing to comply with Sanitary Dictatorship Decrees. Now any resistance can be deemed violent, violence deemed signs of insanity, insanity a sign of “not being in possession of natural faculties” and the door is open to vaccination!
If it’s true people won’t rebel over tbis then it seems they would rather be peaceful slaves than have their liberty and freedom. History shows concerning the fight for freedom that it only takes one voice to raise a cause that many will follow to gain their liberty. Let’s hope history repeats itself.
I hate to say this but I don’t think the Italian people will fight.
If they’re anything like New Zealanders, then probably not. too docile by far.