Many questions remain over the false Covid-19 vaccination certificates bought by stars, sports personalities and business leaders

I’m sure many of us suspected. I wonder how many more are guilty? This is just Spain. One suspects it’s a lot bigger than one country. MH

Reaction to the news that more than 2,200 prominent Spaniards, including the leader of one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies, has been one of resignation and disbelief.

Since the story broke on May 24, people have been asking how this could happen. But they have also been asking how it is, that reaction to the news has been muted, almost accepting that this is what happens.

In the words of one Twitter user Starfish: “Why NOBODY here talks about the operation Jenner, discovered in Spain, why don’t they go further in the investigation?”

The reality is that the investigation is still ongoing with more evidence being collected before many of those go to trial, but perhaps it is more that this was not unexpected.

Whilst the average Spaniard did as the government asked, obeyed the rules and went out and got vaccinated, others thought they were above the law, that they were somehow special.

What is disconcerting, is that many of these people are involved in professions that meant a high level of contact with others. Essentially, they cared so little for those around them, they did not bother to ensure that those they came into contact with were kept safe and free from Covid-19.

But perhaps the bigger issue is that the level of trust is broken, that a company president involved in researching Covid-19 vaccines did not feel it necessary or important to get vaccinated leads many to ask whether vaccinations were necessary or safe.

The investigation

What is interesting is that the police did not uncover the scam through a local investigation, but rather through efforts to curb extremism on the dark web.

Enter policeman A, his name has not been made public. According to the Guardia Civil he made contact with an extremist Islamic group who he arranged to meet in France, but told them that he personally could not travel as he had not been vaccinated.

He said: “I don’t have a COVID-19 passport; I am not vaccinated. Allah does not allow me to put anything impure in my body.”

They replied that they could get him a passport and even get him registered on the National Registry of Vaccination, He was introduced to two Madrid residents, Álex, a former thief with a history of sexual assault and known to have contact with criminals in Madrid and Irene, an attractive woman who had been convicted and then pardoned for drug trafficking many years ago.

The police followed the two and noticed that Irene met a young man twice a week, after hours. That young man turned out to be Mario, a nursing assistant in the Hospital of La Paz.

An investigation online found that Mario was an active militant and a Covid-19 denier, which made them suspicious. But on checking they found he could not be the source of the false certificates as he would not have access to the database.

So they went about pretending to be potential customers to gather the evidence they needed. What they found was another nurse was being given a share to issue the certificates, with the money being put into cryptocurrency accounts to try and hide it.  

But they also did spend it drawing further attention to themselves, with the network growing and the number of customers increasing.

In the end, the police arrested 15 people involved in the selling and issuing of false certificates...READ MORE

See video:

Martin comments: Personally I’m in two minds about this. I don’t blame them for buying a fake certificate, considering the number of athletes who’ve collapsed on the field with myocarditis post-jab, but on the other hand, I’d MUCH rather they took the courageous approach and made a stand against mandatory jabbing. Imagine the statement they could have made by using their star-power to promote health freedom. Role models they are not!

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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