Diversion is running through the MSM reports as the case of Baby Will and his parent’s wishes goes before the courts. Your health freedom is at stake.
Editor’s comment by Martin Harris 6/12/22

All New Zealanders will be familiar with the case of poor baby Will who needs heart surgery and a great deal of blood for the operation. His parents want unvaccinated blood only and have potential donors lined up. The authorities say “no, he’ll get whatever blood we have to hand”. The case is now before the High Court.
The MSM reports focus on the claims that it shouldn’t matter what blood he receives, vaccinated or not, as the mRNA is short-lived. Medical experts are trotted out to explain this.
One could debate all day about blood with reduced T cell counts, raised Troponin levels and stuff as “out there” as nanobots in the blood of the vaccinated. But that isn’t what’s at stake here either.
In every doctor’s surgery and medical institution there is sign explaining your right to refuse treatment. It amounts to health freedom. Enforced medication is a line in New Zealand that ought never be crossed and is entrenched in our Bill of Rights. We’ve already seen that line crossed with vaccine mandates and they were only withdrawn after a court win and a threat of Class Action legal action pending.
If the case of Baby Will ends up with the health authorities being granted temporary custody and Will being transfused with vaccinated blood against his parent’s wishes, regardless of what the scientific facts may be then this sets a chilling precedent that could see the end of all freedom of health choice.
Remember, the religious beliefs of the likes of the Jehovah’s Witlessness aren’t based on hard cold science, but on the human right to practice and adhere to one’s religious choice, regardless of whether or not one shares those beliefs.
Authorities are already talking up the “next pandemic”. And next time, if the health system and the government win this case, you and your family could be vaccinated against your will. And judging by the effect that the mRNA jab has had on the health of New Zealanders, not to mention it’s total lack of any perceivable immunity effect, I certainly don’t want it.
More importantly still, it opens up a little crack in the door that leads down a dark path towards enforced medications and injections galore, and ultimately to the Logan’s Run scenario of enforced euthanasia.
Better get your running shoes on.

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