Russian Soldiers “Abducting” Ukrainian Children from Orphanages says MSM: Do they Mean “Rescuing”?

In the past two years, the MSM has done a total U-turn on Ukraine. In 2020 the nation was a haven for neo-Nazis and the orphanages were terrible places where no child should end up. Let’s examine the latest skewed reporting and the likely truth behind the propaganda.

Martin Harris 24/12/22

Ukraine Orphanages

First up, here’s what we know about Ukraine’s orphanages from UNICEF’s investigations:


Published by Disability Rights International, this report documents the exploitation and trafficking of institutionalized children in Ukraine. Whilst UNICEF estimates that there are 82,000 children living in institutions, other advocacy groups have suggested that the number is far greater. This problem has been exasperated with Ukraine’s conflict with Russia, leading to more children disappearing or being abandoned by these institutions that were supposed to protect them. In these institutions, Disability Rights International has found that

the children face sex and labour trafficking, sexual abuse, physical abuse, forced abortion and lack of community support. Many children who graduated from orphanages are often forced onto the streets while facing substance abuse among other issues. Nevertheless, there are many international parties that still donate to these institutions, perpetuating these problems.

Disability Rights International urges the enforcement of human rights to protect vulnerable children while adopting stricter regulations to prevent abuse and trafficking. They also recommend Ukraine to provide more support for adults who have graduated from orphanages so that they could more easily integrated into society. At the same time, they also recommends international parties to redistribute funding to support urgent human rights issues and assume a more proactive role in supporting these children.

No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages is a product of a three-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the egregious human rights violations perpetrated against nearly 100,000 children – with and without disabilities – who are left to grow up segregated from society in orphanages, psychiatric facilities, residential boarding schools, and other institutions.

This report presents findings on: segregated system of services, abuse in institutions, institutionalization and human trafficking, and the role of international aid. 

Link to source: No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages | UNICEF Global Development Commons

The BBC reported recently of the horrors of life in these Ukraine institutions:

Ukraine orphanages: Children tied up and men in cots – BBC News

In April 2022, we had this report:

Russia to fast-track adoptions of Ukrainian children ‘forcibly deported’ after their parents were killed by Putin’s troops, authorities say

The Ukrainian Ombudswoman for Human Rights has said that the Russian government is crafting legislation to allow Russians to adopt Ukrainian children forcibly taken to Russia by military forces. 

She has also stated that, so far, over 121,000 children have been  “deported” by the Russian government.

In a statement on Facebook, Lyudmila Denisova said that the Russian Federation is changing legislation to allow “the accelerated procedure of adoption of children from Donbas.” 

She added that Ukrainian officials have no information on the children that are allegedly being processed for adoption by Russians. 

“Now the Russians, firing rockets and tanks at the homes of Ukrainian citizens, kill parents and kidnap our children in the occupied territories of East and South Ukraine,” she said.

Source: Russia to Fast-Track Adoption of ‘Deported’ Ukraine Orphans: Kyiv Officials (

More on the theme here:

Ukrainian Orphans Are Ending Up In Russia (

Now you should note these orphans are from Donbass and Donetsk region, where, the MSM sources fail to report, much of the population are separatists who WISH to be part of Russia. There is something fishy in slant being placed on what’s actually happening here.

According to the information in the latter article:

children would go up for adoption in Russia, where they will get citizenship and the adults who take them in will receive a stipend more than four times the minimum wage.

Buzzfeed News

And within a Stuff (NZ) report, we read this:

Russian law prohibits the adoption of foreign children. But in May, Putin signed a decree expediting granting Russian citizenship to Ukrainian children without parental care.

Russia has prepared a register of suitable Russian families for Ukrainian children and offers substantial financial support. It portrays the adoptions as an act of generosity. Russian state television airs ceremonies of officials handing out passports to Ukrainian children.

And now we have this update going viral across the MSM:

CCTV shows chilling moment Russian FSB agents and soldiers scour Ukrainian orphanage for children (

Now, bearing in mind what we were hearing about Ukraine’s orphanages up until recently, wouldn’t it be fair to describe this as a RESCUE MISSION? Are these youngsters better off in a Ukrainian institution KNOWN for its abuses, or in the arms of a Russian family and some semblance of meaningful social interaction?

As to the claims that these young ones will end up being trained in the Russian Army, here’s a little reminder of what kids are indoctrinated with in Ukranian “summer camps” :

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Do your research guys. Our mainstream media are becoming more and more like propaganda mouthpieces in an Orwellian dystopia. “Think for Yourself”.

Martin Harris
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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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