435,897,435,897 Free Roaming Spike Protein Molecules After COVID Vax Booster – Their Hearts Will NEVER Fully Recover from the “Vax” https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/435-897-435-897-free-roaming-spike-protein-molecules-after-covid-vax-booster-their-hearts-will-never-fully-recover-from-the-vax You can check the paper for yourselves, here’s a couple of sources plus an evaluation: Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis – American College of Cardiology Circulating […]

As the CDC quietly announces it’s investigating whether the Pfizer COVID vaccine increases risk of strokes, excess deaths levels in the UK are at their largest outside the pandemic in 50 years. So what’s going on, and what happens when you discuss it on the mainstream media? #CDC#health#covid#vaccines 592,504 views […]
