“Most long time truthers warned of this a decade and more back when folk snickered and called you a conspiracy theorist for even mentioning it. The New World Order (or the variations of that name) is no longer theory of any kind of course. It’s in your face fact. We’re now into the escalated climate scare scam stage of the journey which suddenly upscaled immediately after the downscaling of the plandemic and its experimental, ‘safe and effective’ treatment.”  TWNZ

Source: Truth Watch NZ via Pam Vernon EWR

I’m sharing here an insightful article from 2012 or possibly even earlier. It has been around on the internet for a long time and the originating site, mediawhores, now gone. At the time of the demise of that site there was rumour the author had been detained for psychiatric reasons. I’m unsure of the outcome of all that but the article remains. It is old and links to info gone. I’m posting it however in light of recent revelations that our ‘friends’ who are long time advocates of sustainable development, have bookmarked the Hawke’s Bay as in need of ‘Build Back Better‘ treatment … ie managed retreat into Smart Cities (video at link). Courtesy of the Davos boys at WEF. Well … who would’ve guessed it?

Whilst the following article is about the East Coast, slightly further North than the recent Cyclone Gabrielle flooding, nevertheless  it is that general area that is in question.

Most long time truthers warned of this a decade and more back when folk snickered and called you a conspiracy theorist for even mentioning it. The New World Order (or the variations of that name) is no longer theory of any kind of course. It’s in your face fact. We’re now into the escalated climate scare scam stage of the journey which suddenly upscaled immediately after the downscaling of the experimental, safe and effective treatment. The proposals in the article on their plans for the East Coast revolve around desired resources.


An ex NZ detective emailed me a good while back (2017) pointing to a similar rationale concerning the extensive use of 1080 poison throughout NZ (for 60+ years). They are not saving our birds at all, rather, they are clearing the land. (I will share his comments in another post). In 2018 note, Goldman Sachs CEOs (the bank specifically the focus of the article below) were flying around Fiordland in a DoC hosted helicopter tour… it was about conserving our native birds we were told. We do all know of course that bankers are enthusiastic about saving birds. No media reporting on that one either. It’s also interesting to note that the East Coast was only recently opened up to 1080 poisoning, having previously declined it.

Basically, under Agenda 2030 the proposed protected areas will be fenced off with no trespassing signs in the name of conservation. All bollocks of course. It’s just further land grabbing with an eye likely, to what is below ground. Meanwhile you will be safe and sound in your Smart City eating bugs and never travelling further than 15 minutes from your house… owning nothing and blissfully happy.

The late Rosa Koire defined UN Agenda 21 (now 2030) thus: “The action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all information and all human beings in the world.”

Before the mediawhores article here are the second and third videos from Coronavirus Plushie’s Rumble Channel:

Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, Features in Latest World Economic Forum Video

Managed Retreat To ‘Smart’ Cities, As Hawkes Bay Features in Latest World Economic Forum Video

(The recommendation in the article to google search the facts will likely, I dare say,  no longer bring up much truth on the matter).

READ THE REST HERE: Hawke’s Bay is apparently in need of a ‘managed retreat’: Agenda 2030 and the depopulation of the East Coast – TruthWatchNZ

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.


  1. Well done Pam and Martin, keep warning people. I am from Hawkes Bay originally and it hurt to see the disaster and I hate to see who will use it for their own purposes. May we all wake up to the nefarious agendas and wicked schemes of the power brokers, the land grabbers and energy traders of this new global order.
    I have reposted on my blog.

    1. Thanks Jo
      Together we’ll keep the jungle drums beating!
      Another “disaster capitalism” agenda at work with false climate change twist.

  2. Thanks for sharing Martin. A note though, EWR is now envirowatchnz (EWNZ) and truthwatchnz is our sister site.

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