Kaimanawa Wall: New Zealand has many controversial archeological/geological sites, but few are as intriguing or enduring as this artificial-looking feature. A prominent sign at the site declares this to be a natural feature. There are many visitors who disagree. The same sign declares that digging is strictly forbidden. There is talk of a coverup. Why would our government not want the matter settled once and for all?
by Martin Harris 12/6/23

As it transpires, some industrious and courageous guys have taken matters into their own hands and done some amateur archaeology!
They aren’t the first nor only ones. In fact, before the Department of Conservation stepped in, some excavation had indeed been performed on this site and reached a few conclusions.
Firstly, the structure is composed of rhyolite which isn’t local to the site. The nearest source of rhyolite is some 10 miles away. Later visitors with geological credentials have backed up the identification of the rock, and yet the DoC sign declares otherwise. Why?
Secondly, that the “wall” extends down a couple of courses further and then there is a platform or plinth at the base.
Australian explorer Rex Gilroy visited and found some crude carvings on rocks at the site, while American explorer David Hatcher Childress visited the wall and noted the strong similarity to South American and Pacific “fingerprint” masonry, a term coined by Thor Heyerdahl to describe a certain building style which he associated with a hypothetical ancient global seafaring culture.
These are examples of Incan stonework:

Hatcher-Childress also pointed out the uncanny similarity to the Ahu platforms of Easter Island. Since Rapa Nui has both a Polynesian and South American connection, this could be the missing link between Incan stonework and structures akin to the Kaimanawa Wall that are found around the pacific region.

What the aforementioned visitors all seem to have missed, though, is the true scale of the Kaimanawa feature. Hatcher-Childress considered the small scale of the alleged wall something of an anticlimax.

This small section beneath the tree and bushes is all most people see of the enigmatic structure.
There is more to the Kaimanawa Wall than meets the eye!
Take a look at the following walk-around and see for yourself. Note also the slope and flat top, hardly consistent with a natural feature?
Ignimbrite vs. Rhyolite: Its complicated!

The official DoC signage declares the Kaimanawa structure to be composed of ignimbrite, a volcanic rock, which appears in a variety of forms, but under some conditions can fracture as it cools in a way that looks startlingly artificial, like the example below from Italy:

“Nonsense!” say the detractors. The Kaimanawa formation, they claim, was declared by experts years ago to be composed of rhyolite, which doesn’t occur in that locality. It had to be transported from a quarry about 10 miles away!
Below is an example of banded and fractured rhyolite formations:

As you can see, there is a strong resemblance to the Kaimanawa structure.
The question that enters my mind is, why remove these blocks and transport them 10 miles before reassembling them? Does the location hold a special significance?
A closer look at the geological data on ignimbrite and rhyolite complicates matters further!
As the following core samples illustrate, both are examples of volcanic rock types, and are almost always intermingled or “welded”.

Ignimbrite vs Rhyolite (comparenature.com)
Is ignimbrite a rhyolite?
“Most ignimbrites have rhyolite through dacite compositions. They have an abundance of juvenile pumice, crystals, and pyroclasts of all sizes, although fine ash to coarse lapilli are more common. The term juvenile refers to derivation from the erupted magma.”
Ignimbrites in outcrop and thin section – Geological Digressions
So, in fact it is likely that both evaluations of the structure’s geological composition are correct. This is a problem for the detractors of the official narrative, as eliminates the claim that the rock had to be quarried and transported. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.
The claim that the structure is rhyolite and came from another location appears in Rex Gilroy’s book “Pyramids in the Pacific” (verified by this author, who owns a copy) and appears to have been repeated by others without anyone actually bothering to “fact check” the original claim. There is a lesson in this!
The only way to settle this for sure would be some serious excavation or less destructively, some remote sensing work. LIDAR, ground penetrating radar…So why hasn’t this been done? Well, perhaps it has…
It seems suspicious yet typical that the NZ government would “strongly discourage” digging at the Kaimanawa Wall. The “sole source of truth” issues an edict and expects us not to be suspicious? Sound familiar? No wonder then that there are whispers of a conspiracy to hide some unpalatable truths about this structure and what remains hidden beneath the dirt and vegetation.
It is said that the government has in fact done surveys and radar work around the structure, and that the findings are under embargo until 2063. If this is true, then clearly something to hide!
Why hide evidence? New Zealanders will understand, but overseas readers may not. The Māori generally hold claim to be the first settlers in New Zealand. This claim is vital to ownership, land rights and compensation, all based around the Treaty of Waitangi, often a hot and touchy matter. It’s a big subject in its own right, but suffice to say, any evidence of a civilized culture in New Zealand prior to the arrival of the Māori would be damaging to more than just the historical narrative and the reputation and ego of academics. We’re talking compensation and assets on a substantial scale that could potentially be brought into question.
I have spoken with a very knowledgeable local guy in Taupo who was part of an investigative team who went in there and did scans over the area. When he was telling me about their trip he looked at me straight in the eye and said “We (the team) ran a radar over this area and I can honestly tell you there are DEFINITELY 3 pyramids in this area and they all line up with the Giza pyramids in Egypt. Trouble is we are not allowed to officially release it through the govt”. Another mate of mine whose ex Army said when he used to take training exercise groups into that forest he knew aaalll about those 3 pyramids because they had to walk up and over them!
Ivy Megan Chamberlain https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhQ46QSfgrJdWlWoyWjTTA
The claim that there is an embargo on certain archaeological information has validity. Here’s the documentation, which clearly states “restricted until 2063”. There is mention of Waipoua here, so this likely pertains to controversial ruins in the Waipoua Forest. Wether it also relates Kaimanawa is unclear.
The much discussed “Embargo” document signed by Archaeologist, Michael Taylor and accompanying 14 pages of “something”, which neither the general public nor bona fide research workers were permitted to view until the year 2063. The document states, in the handwriting of Michael Taylor, that ‘Prior consultation requires approval of the Te Roroa- Waipoua Advisory Committee or other appropriate subsequent Te Roroa authority’. The printed line, which would allow bona fide research workers access to the information has been crossed out and overwritten with, ‘restricted until 2063’. The overall intent of this document, as the covering-page for a body of archaeological information deemed “top secret”, could not be clearer.

SOURCE: Facebook
As the situation stands, the Kaimanawa wall remains a mystery. If artificial, this would explain the placing of this structure and others under embargo and digging discouraged. If natural, then let’s prove it to the satisfaction of all by doing some surveying and archeological work out in the open, with results published out in the open far all to access. Until such a thing happens, the Kaimanawa wall will remain a controversial and fiercely contested part of the New Zealand landscape.
UPDATE: 13/6/23
After some more researching on the subject of the embargoed survey papers, I learned that the documents had been released by legal action undertaken by Gary Cook. The papers were made public in 1996. They pertain entirely to the Waipoua Forest site.
A further FOI request in 2016 resulted in more updated info being released.
Here’s a link to a portion of the survey that may be of interest to readers.:
Pages from Waipoua Archaeological Project Stage II and III part 2.pdf (fyi.org.nz)
So far I’ve been unable to verify claims of surveys and embargoed results that pertain to the Kaimanawa structure. Naturally I will update this article with any fresh information.

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notice how in the index of the book labelled archeological has a index with stone structures labelled and all site names before maori except there’s no sketches like everything else labelled, as if someone just forgot to copy the pages
Forgot or deliberately excluded, Kaid?
Its clear that sites like these have been occupied for a very long time. I was particularly intrigued by the finds of scrapers and obsidian points that suggest a very ancient culture, appearing distinctly Mesolithic in style.
been looking into this for a while have you seen how articles have started labelling believers “inherently racist”
“Taupo historian Perry Fletcher and Victoria University lecturer Paul Adds had harsher words for those who proposed Kaimanawa Wall as man-made. Fletcher stated that he had been aware of the structure for decades and thought nothing of it. He claimed that those who believed it to be remnants of a lost civilization were victims of a hoax. Adds claimed that those behind it were “inherently racist.”,
anyway we just need enough people with shovels and boots on the ground
“Racist” is an easy label to discredit anyone who questions the narrative. Noel Hilliam (RIP) was claimed to have “far right connections” by the MSM.
I think its likely that this structure is much like the Yonaguni Monument in Japan: A striking natural feature that was occupied and worked by human hands to create a religious or cultural place of importance.
As you suggest, the only way to be absolutely sure is with an organised dig. Trouble being, the more bots ‘n’ shovels you’ve got on the ground, the more of a shit fight with officialdom its likely to become.