Trump Documents: What’s in the Boxes?

Trump had some secret documents stashed at home, what a naughty boy. The media are going bananas over this, (not a peep about Joe’s stash mind you) but while they’re certain (again) that’s he’s off to jail, none of them are discussing why he had those documents or what their contents relate to, and THAT is what’s important! MH

Still a bit cautious about Russell Brand, especially since he’s been pushing the UFO disclosure narrative, but his observations, research and whit are worth a listen on this subject:

So THIS Is Why Trump Kept Those Documents
Donald Trump’s indictment was the biggest news of the week, but what was lost in the typical Trump absurdities of documents in ballrooms and bathrooms is the revelation of US plans to attack Iran – could this explain why he kept them, and why aren’t the media talking about it?

Russell Brand

Russell Brand6.48M subscribers

For context: There was a plan to go to war with Iran duringTrump’s presidency, before Michael Bolton was fired: This article from 2019…

The Art of Provocation: Preparing War with Iran

On May 21 [2019 ed], Trump administration officials treated key members of Congress to closed-door briefings to persuade them to back what appears to be a build-up for a new war in the Middle East, this time against Iran. Among the personalities to pitch for a new round of aggressive moves against the enemy of Saudi Arabia and Israel (and consequently of the United States) were what an observer would be justified in calling some “big guns”: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, Chairman of Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford and an official from the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

Al Jazeera reports that: “Trump officials cast the discussion as the United States responding to provocations from Iran, but failed to mention President Donald Trump’s decision a year ago to withdraw from a nuclear agreement with Iran and Trump’s imposition of economic sanctions.” …

Is the US Preparing for War with Iran? (

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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Ukraine Nuclear Powerplant "Intelligence HQ for NATO" Attack Imminent?

Sat Jun 24 , 2023
The chatter about an attack upon a nuclear power plant inside Ukraine has ramped-up exponentially of late, and many of us believed the chatter was about the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) but it’s not.   Turns out it is about the South Ukraine Nuclear Power plant because it is being […]
Ukraine nuclear

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