New Zealand has a three-way coalition and it brings some good news and some concerns. but while there are three leaders, there is only one Lord of the Government, and that’s King Winston.
Opinion by Martin Harris
The three…Stooges? Blind Mice? Amigos? Wise Monkeys? Pick your title, depending on your opinion. From my perspective, it is apparent that Winston Peters, love him or hate him, has ruled and controlled the media headlines right from the start.
A comparison can be drawn with Donald Trump. The more the media and their controllers fear him, the more they try to undermine him, the more publicity he gets. And that means they have a good reason to fear him.
Winston Peters defying trespass threats to engage with anti-mandate protestors at Wellington. The only politician with the guts to do so.
A game of “lets crush Winston” turned into “where’s Winston?” as the voting closed and it became clear that Peters wasn’t going away . Winston, as usual, played cat and mouse with the media, fuelling unfounded speculation galore.
Now the Holy Trinity is formed, and there have been smiles aplenty from the centre-right. And it has been clear from the first who is in charge. Not Luxon and the Nats (despite being the big vote-winners) and not Seymour (despite ACT being the second biggest vote-winner of the three) but Winston Peters.
With the three coalition leaders on stage, NZ First, it was clear, got what they wanted, directing one policy after another, Seymour’s ACT appeared to be almost an “also ran”. Peters gets to be deputy until 2025. Seymour gets to be deputy for whatever remains in the aftermath of world war three. good luck Mr. Seymour.
Despite Luxon being prime Minister, it has been very evident who is hogging the spotlight, who has controlled the media narrative, and who is getting their way with policy and direction.
Luxon may sit on the throne, but he is “steward only”. Now comes the return of the king, and his name is Winston Peters.
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