Hypersonic SR72/Aurora: “It’s real”…but how do we define “real”?

Here’s the evidence or at least what we’re allowed to see. Thanks to Sandboxx at YT and Alex Hollings for this excellent research.

Aurora SR72 hypersonic
Hypersonic SR72

The SR-72 is REAL — And we can prove it

Martin comments: One feels somewhat vindicated, as I’ve frequently gone against the crowd, stating that, based on history, Russia tends to bluff and brag about their military superiority, while the US tends to keep it’s advantages behind a cover of secrecy.

However, it’s never quite that simple. There’s a counter-intelligence element to any release of clandestine military technology. These “slip ups” where evidence of secret aircraft are leaked “accidentally” are always carefully orchestrated and intended to reach the eyes and ears of the opposition, while simultaneously hyping public interest and assisting in the likelihood of increased congressional approval for a budget.

The story in the vid about the CCP redirecting a satellite to observe the Top Gun prop sounds like a typical disinformation element.

Another element: What one sees in the public domain is generally two or three decades behind what’s being tested in the Black-ops world. So we are seeing releases like this hypersonic jet and the “theoretical” Pais Effect Transmedium plasma craft being teased but only as prototypes or paper designs yet to be tested. BUT, craft fitting these descriptions have been witnessed and fall into the category of UFO sightings. And they’ve been seen for about two or three decades.

It should be noted that the whole concept of this SR72 appears suspiciously similar to the Kingfish spyplane proposal of the early 60s that (offically/supposedly) lost out to the SR71, yet, on paper at least, was theoretically capable of Mach 5 or higher. The vehicle nonetheless at least reached full-size mockup stage. See images below:

So, how much is real? How much is smoke and mirrors? How much is counter-intelligence disinformation? And what technology is really out there?

Keen students of clandestine aviation technology may recall how the US-Canadian flying saucer program, initially publicized with great hype in the early 50’s, was subsequently hidden by the alleged failure of the AVROcar, while the real high performance saucer, Project Silverbug, continued in secrecy until details were released by FOIA request in 1991. Even then, the release focused entirely on the engine failure of the conventionally powered craft with no mention of what happened to the John Frost designed Ring Turbine variant. And Frost (who eventually took a low-key job at Air New Zealand) kept his oath of secrecy for the remainder of his life.

Nothing is ever quite what it appears to be. welcome to the hall of mirrors.

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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Meanwhile in Argentina and Holland...

Sun Nov 26 , 2023
The swing to the political Right is happening in Holland and Argentina just as in New Zealand. One suspects the US 2024 elections will be interesting, right? And of course, in perfect choreography, political sympathies swing from “protect the Muslims” to “get behind Israel”. Just coincidence of course. Here’s a […]
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