Death of the Old Republic, All Hail The Emperor!

I love science fiction and fantasy. I love history too. Especially when science fiction gets predictive and history repeats. Death comes to all civilizations eventually, and it certainly looks like ours is on the way out.

comment by Martin Harris 20/4/2024

Who remembers the Star Wars prequel trilogy? A lot of fans moaned about those movies with the result that Lucas handed the reigns to Disney with disastrously Woke results. Suddenly those prequels don’t look so bad. I always liked them and was intrigued when Lucas explained the essence of what they were about. How one man who doesn’t play by the rules can change everything.

But take a close look. Was Lucas blowing the whistle? The Trade Federation are clearly rather Asiatic. Distinctly Chinese-inspired. See the vid at the link below:

And the distinctly Chinese voices of the Trade Federation viceroys:

There is a republic that is rotting from within. A weak chancellor who is under the thumb of the aforementioned Trade Federation. And a very smart and cunning senator who is secretly manipulating the whole thing to his own advantage.

On becoming Chancellor, former senator Palpatine rapidly declares the end of the corrupt, decaying Republic and declares himself Emperor. Meanwhile the power-hungry Trade Federation find themselves played like a fiddle.

So this presentation below caught my attention. I’m not suggesting Donald Trump is a bad guy like the fictional Palpatine, but there is no question that the American republic is rapidly unravelling, and Trump is certainly a guy who doesn’t play by “their” rules. Is America about to become the new Rome and Trump the new Ceasar?

Black Pigeon Speaks

And speaking of predictives, the animated short, “I Pet Goat 2” just keeps getting more chillingly accurate by the year. I revisited this vid recently because of the brief scene of a fleet of drones attacking the Dome of the Rock.

In the process, I noticed the scene of the flag-waving girl in front of the tanks. Are these tanks Russian tanks entering Ukraine?

The grim Reaper figure blows a party favor as fireworks celebrate Russia’s entry. Which actually happened in Donetsk.

You doubt this is prediction? The tiger patch on the girl’s jacket…2022 the Year of the Tiger and the year Russia entered Ukraine.

Another point of note is the reflection in the eyes of the empty-headed guy (Biden perhaps?). The scrolling text reads “Stock markets plunge…war coverage…” and Asian stock markets did indeed plunge immediately after the recent exchange between Israel and Iran.

Worth taking a good look at the rest of the vid as it takes us from 9/11 to present day…and to the immediate future. The eagle-eyed may spot a dancing Kali and Shiva signaling the end of Kali Yuga (2025 according to some interpretations).

So who is that “Messiah” figure? Why is he so…orange…? Is this The New Caesar?

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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Up to HALF of excess deaths in US nursing homes were due to lockdowns and 'mitigation' measures

Sun Apr 21 , 2024
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