mRNA altering DNA, DNA affected by EMF: You’ve probably heard bits and pieces through various alt. media channels about these things usually in conjunction with Covid vaccines and 5G. Can any of this be true? Is there any good evidence for any of this? Does any of it fit together to form a coherent narrative?
What is it all about? Fighting a virus? Depopulation by stealth? Instigating a technocratic social infrastructure? Mind control? Transhumanism? Maybe some or all of the above?
In any case, it is definitely about power and control. But what is it all leading to?
Here’s a couple of vids that provide some food for thought.
There are hundreds and hundreds of studies showing that our wireless wonderland of EMF is not good for our health. But you might ask: Well, HOW? When we say “EMF”, we’re talking about many different types of electromagnetic waves, different frequencies, different power levels, and so on. How could it possibly work? It turns out that the answer may very well be in our DNA!
Is your DNA an EMF antenna?
Goodies (affiliate links):
– DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields (…)
– 3-D Image Shows How DNA Packs Itself into a “Fractal Globule” (…)
– High Electronic Conductance through Double-Helix DNA Molecules with Fullerene Anchoring Groups (….)
– The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg ( – Genetic Entropy by Dr. John Sanford (
– TONS of EMF studies:
What they are putting in us is from the pit of hell! Dr Monzo @ SLC Redpill Expo
What is Nanotechnology?
What are Weaponized Nanotech Pathogens?
What is in the Jabs and how do they spread?
What can we do about it – We have answers!!
The 1st video presents an interesting idea : any life form can randomly become fractional antennas for microwaves…
The 2nd video may present some ideas of future nanotech developments, but is more of a religious philosophy than scientific logic.
Here are 2 good videos demonstrating that microwave / laser technologies do affect the weather etc.:
And my article about satellites doing this as warfare: