Remember how they made us stay inside for an invisible threat?
They tried to get us to keep track of every move we made, with that information being fed back to the government and tech companies and splattered all over mainstream news to shame us to stay home.

Image: Adobestock
Now, let’s take that a step further.
Suddenly, you cannot purchase food because you have bought too much red meat that week.
Or perhaps it was because you posted a mildly derogatory comment on social media about the government the other morning?
Or was it that innocent walk beyond your designated zone yesterday?
Scoffing reading this?
Getting The Handmaid’s Tale-esque vibes?
Well, this could quickly become a reality when The Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023 comes into force in a couple of days.
Set to come into force on 1 July 2024 and accelerated by the Labour Party, the proposed legislation swiftly passed its first reading on 19 October 2021 without opposition.
With this quick progression and the media’s ignoring it, public awareness about the framework’s intent and purpose has been minimal.
Time left before the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023 comes into effect 1 July:

The Act’s stated primary purpose is establishing a secure framework for New Zealanders to store digital information.
Presently, your participation in this system is described as “voluntary.”
But where have we heard that before, and where could this lead?
It would be entirely possible for the government and those behind it to control our every move—from the food we buy to whether we can travel and perhaps even whether we can access services such as public transport and medical care.
Was the ‘vaccine passport’ (digital health certificate, green pass etc) an attempt to get the world’s population into a digital ID system? It made no medical sense, especially since the injection did not stop infection or transmission of c-19, so why was it pushed so hard?
Nearly every New Zealander is now on the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) with a record of how many covid injections have been received. Those who received none are also on this register. Imagine if this register was linked to other aspects of personal data—phone, address, car registration, family, shopping habits, bank accounts, fingerprints, iris pattern, facial recognition data… And uploaded to the Cloud.
We could lose our sovereignty and become a number in the national database, with the potential for our every move to be tracked and scored against a set of government criteria. There is the potential for ‘punishment’ for non-compliance and lockdowns for any number of invisible threats as deemed necessary if we comply. [Martin comments: CCP-style Social Credit scoring]
With digital currency imminent and linked to our digital identity for our ‘safety’ against big bank corruption, could we lose all control of our finances much like we lost all control of our choice to make health decisions with mandated jabs?
It is pertinent that we take action and shout about this Act coming into force.
What can you do?
Tracey Coxhead has aptly submitted a petition urging the repeal of the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023 to the House of Representatives.
Show your support by signing the petition and sharing it far and wide! Make our voices heard and demand a repeal.
Signatures will be accepted until July 31, 2024.
Currently, the petition has gathered 4,750 signatures. The more support received, the stronger the message to Parliament that New Zealanders are united in protecting our digital rights and freedoms, not just paying lip service to privacy concerns.
Now is the time to take action—there’s less than 2 days before the act comes into effect.
Change is on the horizon, and our actions today will shape a better future for all.
In solidarity,

Anna Petley
NZDSOS Media Team
On Behalf of NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science (@NZDSOS)
P.S. Having our digital identity able to be controlled externally could mean limited access to the free knowledge exchange of the internet. This level of dictatorship has to be stamped out. Sign the petition today.
P.P.S. Our conference early bird tickets will be out soon. Get your seat and come together for a day of knowledge exchange and solidarity. Stay tuned for more!
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Petition of Tracey Coxhead: Repeal the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023
Petition request
That the House of Representatives repeal the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023.
Petition reason
This Bill passed its first reading on 19/10/21 without opposition from any party. Public submissions were open for 6 weeks and by closing date (2/12/2021) over 4,500 submissions were received, 4,049 in the last 2 days. Since then, I have not been aware of any public awareness campaign advising the public of the intent and purpose of the framework. I believe there has been a lack of transparency and the benefit of the framework has not been illustrated.

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This will answer questions on why the covid vaccines were pushed so hard.
Will it indeed?
I prefer our motto “think for yourself” rather than simply let someone else spoon-feed you the answers 😉
However, I’ll let you away with the free plug for the Two Witnesses Ministry 🙂