Remember the premise of the original Robocop movie from the 80s?
Step 1: Refuse to arrest criminals.
Step 2: Watch crime skyrocket.
Step 3: Use skyrocketing crime as an excuse to implement draconian police state.
I remember saying these Robocop movies were a warning about what’s coming. You can guess the rest: “Bloody conspiracy theorist! Where’s yer tin hat?”. Fast forward to present day: “See, I told you this would happen!”. -“Stop complaining you bloody far-Righter. Don’t you know it’s for your own safety?”
Life isn’t all about being “safe”.
How many great and courageous explorers made their discoveries and achieved their accomplishments by thinking “You know, Everest could be a dangerous place to climb. Think I’d better stay home”?
Imagine if no one protested against such draconian mandates as we had over Covid? If no one had the courage to stand up and speak out? If fear ruled all our hearts.
FEAR. SAFETY. Primal control tools of the Totalitarian State.
And this is where it leads:
See also: