One of the saddest things about the ongoing climate hoax is how it is affecting the mental health of citizens, particularly children. After decades of doom and gloom prophecies, many individuals are reaching the conclusion that the world would be better off with fewer emitters of carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases alarmists claim is abnormally warming the world.
James Murphy
New American
Sat, 24 Aug 2024
“Climate Aware” Therapists
Luckily for us, a new branch of psychotherapy has emerged to assist us in dealing with the hopelessness of this “climate anxiety.” A network of “climate aware” therapists is being created across the U.S., U.K., and Canada to help people deal with the mental-health impacts of climate change.
These “climate aware” therapists are “professionally-trained psychotherapists who recognize that the climate crisis is both a global threat to all life on Earth and a deeply personal threat to the mental and physical well-being — the sense of safety, meaning, and purpose — of each individual, family, and community on the planet,” according to the Climate Psychology Alliance.
Their goal is to “use … unique psychotherapeutic skills to meet the multiple, mounting mental health crises arising out of the increasing instability of our planetary system.”
Young People Vulnerable to “Climate Anxiety”
“There’s a feeling of intergenerational injustice,” said Washington, D.C.-based psychiatrist Lise Van Susteren. “Many young people feel invalidated, betrayed, and abandoned.”
These feelings of betrayal and abandonment are happening despite the fact that people are far less likely to die from weather-related phenomena today than at any time in recorded history.
Young people are especially vulnerable to this “climate anxiety.” From the tenderest of ages, they are indoctrinated in climate propaganda and taught that if they don’t stop their use of fossil fuels, their futures are in danger.
A Lancetsurvey from 2021 found that, among 16- 25-year-olds in 10 countries — Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Portugal, the U.K., and the United States — “59% were very or extremely worried and 84% were at least moderately worried” about climate change. Respondents reported feeling “sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty.”
Some liken the media’s portrayal of climate change and the omens of doom that surround it as a form of child abuse.
“It’s certainly abusive to be telling kids they don’t have a future,” the Heartland Institute’s Linnea Lueken told Just the News.
Media Driving the Narrative
The media, with its round-the-clock, biased reporting, is driving the climate anxiety in young people. “Even just 50 years ago, you wouldn’t know what the weather was today in Thailand. You wouldn’t know if there was a typhoon that hit India,” Lueken explained.
That sense of hopelessness pervading today’s youth is common. Sweden’s Greta Thunberg serves as the prime example.

“I think this is the first generation where they’ve [been told] their whole lives that the planet is on its way to ending at some point in their lifetime, civilization is going to collapse and the food supply will be destroyed,” geologist Dr. Matt Wielicki told Just the News. “We’ve really manipulated their sense of the future, and that’s unfortunate, because it really takes away their hope and ambition.”
The media and ambitious climate zealots only feed the frenzy. They discount news or information that runs contrary to the climate emergency narrative.
Even so, there is a sense among clear thinkers that much of what the media and climate zealots are peddling is nonsense. Climate zealots were chagrined when Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris barely mentioned climate change in her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday. Politicians like Harris (or at least her handlers) know that the issue doesn’t resonate with voters.
If climate change is such an existential threat, shouldn’t it get more time?
Nevertheless, the panic among some youth is real. Despite all evidence to the contrary, today’s youth have a sense that their future is bleak and filled with natural disasters.
Martin comments: I disagree about “the media” (MSM) being the drivers. I say the UN are the drivers (via the IPCC) as our research here has revealed numerous times.
The MSM drumbeaters are merely “Climate Communicators” and I’ve had more than one Socialist tell me they don’t care about the facts as long as the narrative serves as a vehicle for their political agenda.
As for politicians and celebrities, they are for the most part simply ill-informed or in a position to gain financially from the Climate Scam.
But look at the news reporting: Every flood, every storm, every hot summer day, is misrepresented as “the hottest/wettest/most catastrophic” on record, without reference to what records they are consulting. Where one used to enjoy long hot summers, (the author has some fond childhood memories of days at the beach) now they are a source of doom-laden fear.
And yet, a very real threat of world war hangs over our heads (quite literally) and nary a whisper about it from the mainstream media. Let’s NOT have the kids marching in the streets to oppose the warmongers. Nay, let them protest against their parents for emitting too much carbon. Madness.

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