Zelensky The Grand Poobah’s Not-So-Grand Victory Ploy Unveiled

Zelensky finally presented his long awaited ‘Victory Plan’ to nation and Rada alike.

Simplicius Oct 17, 2024

Hear the pathological delusion presented as “plan” for yourself in all its demented glory:

Note in point three above, the translated word “restraint” is supposed to be “deterrence”.

  1. The first point is the invitation of Ukraine to NATO immediately.
  2. The second is defense (We need to ramp up our own production and increase aid from Western partners).
  3. The third point states, “Ukraine proposes to deploy on its territory a comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence package, which will be sufficient to protect Ukraine from any military threat from Russia.”
  4. The fourth is economic (“Peace will come through economic strength and pressure on Russia: in particular, limiting oil prices and exports”).
  5. The fifth point is, “After the war, we will have one of the most experienced military contingents. People with military experience, experience with international weapons. This is a guarantee of security in Europe. This is a worthy mission for our Heroes.” “The Victory Plan is a guarantee that the lunatics in the Kremlin will lose the ability to continue the war. Russia must forever lose control over Ukraine.”

Most even on the Ukrainian side had either tepid or outright condescending reactions to this ‘plan’.

“What leaves me speechless is not that he is putting forward these points, but that they are all points whose implementation has already been rejected,” writes a befuddled Roepcke.

He’s right most of the “plan” is obnoxious and can be dismissed outright. Number one: joining NATO—won’t happen; number two seems self-evident and redundant; number five is just some kind of ambiguous morale-boosting platitude with no real substance.

But numbers three and four is where it gets interesting.

Three invokes the deployment of some kind of “non-nuclear” but devastating military package that can serve as major deterrence to Russia. It’s vague, but we can only assume this is merely the call for deploying major NATO systems, perhaps even like as done in Poland with the upcoming Aegis Ashore shield which allows the dual-use MK 41 vertical tubes to launch offensive Tomahawk missiles. But given the vague nature of his statement, Zelensky may even be referring to some kind of NATO “defensive” deployment of boots on ground in rear “deterrence” positions with missiles aimed at Russia.

It could also obviously refer to a large-scale build up of Ukraine’s airforce with major long range strike package capability.

The fourth point is the most ominous by far. Here it is again:

In fact, we can go out on a limb and say this point is the whole meat and potatoes—the very reason for the existence not only of all other points, but of the war itself. Isn’t it so interesting Zelensky unveils this key linchpin only a day or two after the announcement of Ukraine’s largest titanium production being sold off for pennies on the dollar?

The most ominous part of it is Zelensky’s emphasis on the fact that the agreement has a most “secret” component to be shared only with the top few allies, which he appears to tie into the allies’ military protection of their resource ‘investments’. What more can one say? This is nothing other than Zelensky’s pimping out of his country’s economic treasures and future in order to desperately tie NATO militarily to Ukraine’s hip. This is just the continuation of the same old plan, except this time via outright bribery: create massive monetary incentive to obligate NATO into sending boots on ground to confront Russia and save Ukraine by virtue or deterrence of WWIII. It’s dangling trillions before their noses to entice their help, with the alluded-to most ‘secret’ component of the deal likely having to do with the sheer preferential nature of the disaster capitalism extraction and economic shock therapy in one.

It’s just more of what we already knew, that the Ukrainian game is all about the Western crony elite positioning themselves to pillage Ukraine’s resources and industries. For instance, most missed this excerpt from ex-CIA chief Pompeo’s recent prank-call with Russian Vovan and Lexus posing as Poroshenko. In the private call he describes how he got his own comfy sinecure on a big Ukrainian enterprise:

Isn’t it interesting how the ex-head of the CIA now runs a bank of all things, and that bank is buying up Ukrainian enterprises? Also interesting it happens to be a telecom, just like Vodafone owned by the Azerbaijani oligarch who just bought up the remainder of Ukraine’s titanium industry. Virtually every deep state elite involved in the Ukraine debacle has got their fingers in the jar…READ MORE: The Grand Poobah’s Not-So-Grand Victory Ploy Unveiled (substack.com)

Martin comments: Zelensky seemed rather more restrained about Trump’s plan to end the Ukraine war:

Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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