Trump Supporter Trolls Californian Leftists By Selling Fluoridated Drinking Water

A Trump supporter in Los Angeles is selling fluoridated water on Facebook Marketplace to cater for panicked Californians who are worried that RFK Jr. may remove the additive from drinking water.

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

Yes, really.

Now that Trump has announced the appointment of Kennedy as Secretary of Health and Human Services, some leftists are worried that that he will take away their precious fluoride.

Trump voter Case Bradford decided to troll the libtards by advertising fluoridated drinking water at $199 a bottle (glass not included).

“I am now selling fluoridated water in Los Angeles to the panic stricken population,” Bradford posted on X.

Last week, the Los Angeles Times reported that, “A Trump win in Tuesday’s election could spell the end of fluoridated water” in California and across the U.S., where 75 per cent of residents live in communities where fluoride is artificially added to the water supply.

Indeed, before Trump’s victory, RFk Jr. promised that, “On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water,” calling the compound “industrial waste” and asserting it was associated with health risks.

Despite the medical establishment continually touting its supposed benefits, adding fluoride to drinking water has been linked with lowering IQ.

However, a report published earlier this year by the National Toxicology Program, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, summarized a review of studies conducted in Canada, China, India, Iran, Pakistan and Mexico on fluoridated drinking water.

The report concluded that drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter is consistently associated with lower IQs in kids, with children exposed to higher levels suffering a 2 to 5 point IQ drop.

Apparently, some Californians are desperate to stunt their own children’s cerebral development because “follow the science,” or something.

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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