There are always terrorists at work, but there’s a pattern to the attacks. The older one gets, the more obvious the pattern becomes. Political dominance and the ideology of terrorists are somehow linked. Correlation by coincidence or is this all part of a long-term plan?
Opinion by Martin Harris 3/1/25
Remember Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch Mosque shooter whose name we’re supposed not to ever mention again? New Zealanders may recall how, in the days immediately following the attacks, Tarrant was alleged to have been part of a group. we heard something about multiple arrests. At least three others mentioned at one stage, then the narrative changed very quickly.

Suddenly Tarrant was a lone actor. His manifesto was censored so none may read what his motives and influences actually were. Clearly the product of a team and an ideology and littered with references to Ukraine, long known as a Neo-Nazi haven with paramilitary units openly displaying the same Nazi symbols painted on Tarrant’s weapons and his manifesto. All hushed up. Obviously, his target was Muslims.
And what to make of Payton Gendron the Buffalo shooter?

Striking Similarities Between Gendron and Tarrant Manifestos
Key data: Textual similarity analysis between Gendron and Tarrant manifestos
- A text analysis comparing the manifestos attributed to Brenton Tarrant and Payton Gendron found that 23% of Gendron’s manifesto matches Tarrant’s precisely (i.e. word for word).
- The overlapping text sections include 63% of Tarrant’s manifesto.
- Tarrant’s manifesto consists of 17K words, while Gendron’s has a 47K word count.
- The big difference in total document length is mostly captured by the “original” section in Gendron’s manifesto, between pp 13-157.
- The “Question and Answer” sections of both manifestos include the same questions, and they appear in the same order. This indicates Gendron may have treated Tarrant’s manifesto as a starting point and edited it as he went along.
- The language in the answers is often similar or identical. For example, in answer to the question “What do you want?” both Tarrant and the author respond with the Fourteen Words slogan: “We must ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
While our preliminary analysis found that large chunks of text in Gendron’s manifesto are lifted from Tarrant’s manifesto, Gendron’s contains key edits and differences, including a section explicitly blaming/targeting Jews. READ MORE: Striking Similarities Between Gendron and Tarrant Manifestos | ADL
Why was the Tarrant/Ukraine connection so embarrassing? Probably because the narrative was to proceed with Ukraine suddenly being the good guys fighting the Russian invaders. Don’t tell me that wasn’t part of the long-term plan.
It must be noted that, despite Tarrant being hailed as a hero in certain quarters of Ukraine, Azov has issued an official denial:
“The claim that the Azov Regiment trained the New Zealand terrorist Brenton Tarrant at one of its bases during the Tarrant’s tourist visit to Ukraine, or that he was inspired by the Azov Regiment, is as absurd as the claim that the United States supports terrorism because the person who (Timothy McVeigh) was responsible for the terrorist attack in Oklahoma City once served in the US Army and participated in the Gulf War.” Attention! The Azov Regiment’s response to the allegations published in “TIME” magazine
Now we have this New Orleans terrorist. Same plotline. He’s a part of an Isis cell. At least three others on the loose. Then suddenly he’s a lone actor. Nothing to see here.

New Orleans terrorist: Why did FBI quickly change its tune about his New Year’s Day truck attack?
First he was not a terrorist at all, then he was a terrorist ‘not acting alone,’ then he was a terrorist but of the ‘lone wolf’ variety
New Orleans terrorist: Why did FBI quickly change its tune about his New Year’s Day truck attack?
Read Leo Hohmann’s article at the link above. Its a good article.
But this recycled narrative and subsequent censorship isn’t the pattern I’m talking about.
Western politics and democracy (or the illusion thereof) has us switching from the political left to the right, then back again. And with this swing comes a change in who we are supposed to see as the bad guys.
The two examples above. Tarrant and Jabbar. Same “lone actor” narrative. But they are ideological polar opposites.
One is a “Far Right” white supremacist with an anti-Islam agenda. The other a Muslim extremist. Or so we are told. Then factor in Gendron. Another “Far Righter” with alleged Ukraine connections, but he’s anti-Jew. Question is, did Gendron simply copy and paste Tarrant’s manifesto, or were both manifestos drafted from the same template? And was the censorship of Tarrant’s version to hide the obvious copy-paste as well as to obscure the Ukraine connections? If so, who really created these manifestos?
And this switching of villains and victims plays out according to whether the tide is turning to the left or the right.
Ahhh, but hold back folks. These are “lone actors”. Until our storytellers say otherwise. Until its time to wage war.
Everyone with a basic knowledge of geopolitics can’t help but notice how the Left support Palestine and the Right support Israel, as a general rule.
George Bush Junior takes office and Arabs fly jets into the WTC. Biden takes office and sympathies shift towards Palestine.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%.
Today’s attitudes reflect an 11-percentage-point increase over the past year in Democrats’ sympathy with the Palestinians. At the same time, the percentages sympathizing more with the Israelis (38%) and those not favoring a side (13%) have dipped to new lows...Democrats’ Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians
Here in New Zealand, the Left Wing’s favor of Muslims (which seems to go hand in hand with the Socialist movement) couldn’t be more obvious. While opposing parties, particularly minors like New Conservative, make no secret of being pro-Israel.
LOOK AT TARRANT COMPARED TO GEDRON: Same narrative, same script. Same manifesto. Except one blames Muslims, the other blames the Jews.
Having watched the see-sawing narrative played out over the years, I am inclined to suspect that someone is playing extremist boogeymen off against one another right along with the changing of the Two-party guard.
What is this leading up to? Why is this game being played and what will the ultimate outcome be?
I do not pretend to know the answer to that. All I know is, there IS an obvious pattern and narrative at work. “Think for Yourself”.

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