Chinese Warships and Cyclone Alfred: Weather Warfare?

Warships made the news down under through February with circumnavigation of Australia and live firing exercises. But what was being fired? Cloud seeding rockets?

With Australia’s East Coast now facing extreme weather and Cyclone Alfred claimed to be the worst seen in fifty years it seems to be quite a coincidence that it arrives just as the CCP vessels leave the scene by way of a complete circuit of the country while remaining (barely) within legal boundaries.

A murky picture has emerged over China’s live-fire drills. Who knew what when? | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian

Most readers will be familiar with the infamous US Military document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” and competing superpower China’s frequent use of cloud-seeding rockets to stimulate rain or to schedule clear weather for the Mayday Parade.

According to the arch-villains at the WEF:

Weather manipulation tools—such as cloud seeding to induce or suppress rain—are not new, but deploying them at scale is becoming easier and more affordable. As the impacts of climate-related changes in weather patterns intensify, the incentives to turn to technological fixes will increase in affected areas. Think of governments trying to manage simultaneous declines in rainfall and increases in water demand.

Aside from the potential environmental consequences, at a time of increasing geopolitical tensions even well-intentioned weather manipulation might be viewed as hostile. Perceptions would be paramount: a neighbouring state might see large-scale cloud-seeding as theft of rain or the reason for a drought. Cloud-seeding planes might be viewed as dual-use tools for espionage. Hostile uses are prohibited, but cannot be ruled out—for example, weather manipulation tools could be used to disrupt a neighbour’s agriculture or military planning. And if states decided unilaterally to use more radical geo-engineering technologies it could trigger dramatic climatic disruptions. Weather Wars – Future Shocks

But back to the recent events. It was Friday 21st. February in the early morning when the 3 CCP naval vessels commenced live firing exercises with air traffic diverted at the last minute following a warning broadcast. Diversions and presumably, live firing exercises, continued through Monday 24th.

The map below illustrates the route and positions of the ships as they toured around Australia:

So the fleet arrived on the scene 13 Feb and travelled from the Coral Sea to the Tasman Sea between then, and making closest approach on 19 Feb, then moving away from the East Coast and down through 21 Feb and away towards the West heading into early March.

Utilizing the World Wind Map (LINK) we can observe the development of Cyclone Albert commencing 18 Feb. Australia’s East Coast is screen left, NZ is visible bottom right. The dates, times and other data are in the control panel on the screenshots:

Last image is 5 March as Albert approaches landfall. Note how the two outlying cyclones have dissipated while Albert has grown and “steered” inland.

Take a look at ocean currents through late Feb to early March:

Now, I cannot prove a connection between the Chinese warships visit and the closely following weather event, and it could be pure coincidence, but the timing and the correlation of track are worth examining. Weather modification for warfare purposes is no longer “conspiracy theory” material. Why should we dismiss the possibility that weather warfare is already being used clandestinely as tensions rise in 2025?


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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

4 thoughts on “Chinese Warships and Cyclone Alfred: Weather Warfare?

  1. Hi Martin,

    I found your post by searching “chinese warships behind cyclone alfred” based on my own suspicion.

    A further ‘coincidence’ is the right angle turn at the Brisbane latitude…

    Please write to directly if you wish to discuss.

    1. Hi there Mr. W !
      You and I aren’t the only ones with the suspicion, mate.

      I learned the hard way not to “write directly” to any commenters/correspondents as my time is very limited and my Email box already full to bursting.
      …feel free to comment further here though, I will respond to all publicly viewable site comments.

      1. The paths are extremely similar, with the CCP loop mid continent painting an exact outline of the current position of Alfred.

        If CCP used a form of low pressure path seeding to form and guide Alfred with tech onboard their vessels all the events align as a weather warfare event.

        Further, the pause of Alfred’s movement maybe a joystick control during some negations behind the scenes.

        This is pretty obvious and is already being ‘fact checked’.

        Hey OZ, we can lign these things up perfectly with any major city…

        1. Thanks W.
          Weather warfare is well past the “tin hat” slurs and sniggering stage and is something that should be openly discussed on the political stage and in the MSM. But that is unlikely to happen even as it appears to be going right over our heads.
          I recall Trump speaking of WW3 being a long way from the tanks and bullets of previous altercations and featuring a whole new arsenal of weapons and techniques. Weather mod is surely one of them.

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