Wake up! All the alarm bells should be ringing. World War Three is knocking at the door. So why are so many people acting like it’s just another day? If life is a simulation, why should we care?
Editors comment
Martin Harris 15/3/25

There has been much information lately on “your inner voice”. In ancient texts, humans who were gifted enough had a direct relationship with God. As Genesis put it, we “walked with God in the garden”. Unless one takes Genesis literally, the Garden of Eden must surely represent a state of mind.

Every single one of us has a cunning serpent lurking within. The “reptilian brain”, the primal cortex that deals with eating, sleeping, breathing, reproductive urges, self-preservation and self-gratification. We also have a higher brain that deals with self-awareness and enables us to over-ride the Reptilian brain where we choose to do so. To put ourselves in harm’s way to assist a fellow human being or an animal in distress.
There seems to be a considerable percentage of the population that do not have an inner monologue. I cannot imagine what that would be like. This author is a “neurodivergent” person (I’m autistic), and the inner voice never shuts up. Talking to oneself has often been associated with insanity. But I wonder, is it those members of society who “talk with God” who are the truly sane ones?
Internal Monologue: What It Is, What It Means, and More
(2) Inner Monologue and IQ (Are They Related?) | LinkedIn
Taking this further, I have 3 youngsters (all rapidly becoming taller than their father) who understand “gamer talk”. Some of the online games they engage in have NPCs. Non-Playable Characters. These game characters have limited functions and can’t be “inhabited” by the gamer. At the risk of offending any reader who does not have an inner voice, I wonder if what others have said to me about a considerable portion of the masses in the “real” world being NPCs is true?
non-player character
A non-player character (NPC), also called a non-playable character, is a character in a game that is not controlled by a player. The term originated in traditional tabletop role-playing games where it applies to characters controlled by the gamemaster (or referee) rather than by another player.
I use the term “real” in inverted commas because another popular topic lately, involves the theory (being taken very seriously by a number of scientists) that we are living in a simulation. That life is basically a video game.
If this is the case, if our “reality” is not the base reality, then this might explain a lot. And if we are living in a game, then what is the objective? Is eternal life the prize? If we don’t achieve a High Score is that where reincarnation comes in? To use another Gamer term, do we “respawn” until we get it right?

So I say, if life is a simulation and a game, then it has an objective. You can engage and learn how to play the game, or you can be an NPC and just sleepwalk your way through the simulation, eating, sleeping, working, talking small talk and moaning about the government and the state of the world based on information (and misinformation) spewed out by talking heads who are themselves merely regurgitating a script.

Do you have an inner monologue? do you talk to yourself? Does that inner voice analyze the world and see through the BS? do you try to warn others about the road ahead, only to be met with ignorance?
Do you get told you are a “conspiracy theorist” and when the alleged conspiracy theory comes true you are told you are told you are a conspiracy theorist for saying “I told you so”? Welcome to the club.
So here we are. 2025. Trump isn’t going to be president he’s going to jail. Remember that one? there will be no Covid because everyone will have taken their shots and the few who resisted will either be dead (“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”) or being protected by The Herd (the NPCs I presume?). yeah, that one didn’t go down too well either. I’m surrounded by jabbed and boosted people who have Covid multiple times and still live in fear of getting it again.

2025. World War Three. Its more or less a done deal. While the MSM continues to focus on Ukraine and a potential peace deal, the CCP have been very, very busy. The clock is ticking. With Musk…sorry, Trump, holding the reins of power in the US, China has a small window of opportunity to invade Taiwan. Trump is doing everything in his power to take away China’s rare earth monopoly and create Fortress America. As the Great Wall opens and the Iron Curtain falls, the US does the opposite and closes borders.
The question is, will the US defend Taiwan? If it does not, besides the carnage of military invasion by the CCP forces, Europe’s economy will crumble.
This will be a war like no other. Weather control. Induced earthquakes, cyber attacks, EMP bursts, all to cause chaos and disruption to facilitate a military invasion. and that invasion force may involve more robots and drones than human soldiers.

China unveiled its landing barges this week, long known to be in the works but now operational.

Will China Invade Taiwan? A Potential Timeline for Conflict
Its not as if we weren’t warned.
I suggest we have a few months at most. But I’m just a conspiracy theorist who talks to himself. Don’t listen to me. Go back to sleep and be a good NPC. And while you are at it, watch the time ticking away:
Countdown Timer – Countdown to 15 Jun 2025 12:00 Noon in UTC
Or I can throw another biblical analogy at you. Noah “talked with god”. He listened to his inner voice. Everyone thought he was bonkers. Maybe he was, but he lived. The flood narrative is based on the very real Younger Dryas extinction event that is remembered in myth and legend around the world, and the authors of genesis were making a point about those who listened and lived versus the “NPC” characters who kept sleepwalking through life even as the floodwaters overwhelmed them.
Life is a gigantic simulation. a game. those who follow their calling and know their role in the game are the eventual winners.

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