Giza underworld confirmed reality as satellite scans reveal a vest network of structures beneath the pyramid complex. This could be cause to rewrite our history books. But of course, controversy and denial come to the fore.
Alternative archaeology fans hardly need filling in on the decades-long feud between the mainstream narrative and the claims of John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, Andrew Collins, Randall Carson and a host of others.

Graham Hancock and Randall Carson with Joe Rogan
But the so-called “alternative” view that the Giza structures are merely the tip of a very large iceberg that dates back millennia to a lost civilization are actually backed by the hieroglyphic accounts of the ancient Egyptians themselves. Elaborate friezes and papyrus illustrations depict an elaborate and extensive “underworld”, the Duat. Modern day academics dismiss these accounts are mythology and symbolism, but the famous “Sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce started a whole movement by claiming that a vast Hall Of Records, dating back to an “Atlantean” civilization, would be discovered beneath the pyramids and Spinx, rewriting history books.

Egyptian depiction of the “Gates of the Duat”, the underworld. But is this religious symbolism or a real location?
In the past few decades, the aforementioned and fairly close-knit team of Alternative Archaeology authors and theorists have chipped away at proving the reality of this underworld and the claims of a pre-Dynastic advanced civilization. But the guardian of Giza, Supreme Antiquities Director and Indian Jones cosplayer, Zahi Hawass, has cracked his whip at these mavericks. Permits to perform scans and digs have been denied again and again, lest anyone actually make a discovery that rocks the Good Ship Academia.

Zahi Hawass. image credit; Egypt Today
So how does one dig beneath the sands of Egypt without incurring the wrath of Hawass? Even Indiana Zahi’s whip can’t reach Low Earth Orbit. And with the assistance of remote sensing via satellite, it would appear that spectacular and narrative-destroying discoveries have been made. Hancock and co. are yelling “we told you so” and the news media are having a field day.

Hawass and his fellow defenders-of-orthodoxy, however, are saying “not so fast”. No peer reviewal, no credibility, they claim. Even going as far as to suggest a hoax. Hawass himself claims that remote sensing via satellites is a nonsense.
“Dr Zahi Hawass, Egypt’s former minister of antiquities and a prominent authority on the pyramids, has categorically rejected these findings. Speaking to The National, Hawass called the claims “completely wrong” and said the techniques used were “neither scientifically approved nor validated.” He stressed that decades of studies using muon tomography, gravimetry, and conventional radar have revealed no evidence of such vast underground structures.
Their earlier research, published in October 2022 in the journal Remote Sensing, made similar claims, including the detection of hidden voids inside the Pyramid of Khafre. The latest findings, however, have yet to be peer-reviewed and were only presented at a briefing in Italy earlier this month, according to” Experts dismiss viral claims of underground city beneath Giza pyramids
But using satellites to probe beneath the earth unobtrusively is nothing new. Both the US and China perform geological surveys using laser scans, in their quest for hidden mineral resources. Not just finding surface structures as has been done in the South American jungles, but probing down into the strata beneath our feet is quite do-able.
Its early days for these latest world-shaking Giza discoveries, but if confirmed, these finds will not only validate the claims of the alternative camp but rewrite our history books.
Here’s a few items filling you in on the story so far.

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