New Zealand has made its first public rebuke of China’s human rights abuses, regarding Uighurs in Xinjiang. But other persecuted groups are appealing to the Prime Minister not to stop there. Laura Walters reports.

A Chinese refugee, who was detained and tortured for his beliefs, is calling on the Prime Minister to speak out against China’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and other religious groups.
There has been a growing global awareness of the plight of the Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province China, including their detention in “re-education centres” and state surveillance.
Earlier this month – for the first time – New Zealand signed an open letter condemning the treatment of Uighurs in Xianjiang.
But other groups, including Falun Gong, are asking for the condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of all religious groups.
Last month, London’s Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China, known as the China Tribunal, which heard evidence from medical experts, human rights investigators and alleged victims over a six-month period, concluded China was a “criminal state”, and there was proof beyond reasonable doubt that it had committed crimes against humanity and organ harvesting…READ MORE

NOTE: The source is Newsroom; one of the few Mainstream news sources still outputting quality investigative journalism with honesty and objectivity. Their recent investigations into NZ’s “Stolen generation” was a mind-blower. I encourage readers to check out their site. Martin