These three very different interpretations of the very same song appeared within months of each other at the end of the 1980’s. [youtube]WxhjtMi3MKM[/youtube] [youtube]ONXkCRjjYsg[/youtube] [youtube]GqxaCG9PBOs[/youtube]  


Apparently debunking Israeli false flag attacks over U.S. airwaves is a no-no. [youtube]dimiJigwQ3Q[/youtube] BBC’s Alan Hart 911 was a Mossad operation: Kennith O’Keefe 911 was a Mossad operation: Susan Lindauer (CIA asset with foreknowledge of 911) Claims 911 was a Mossad operation Kevin Barrett: Mark Glenn: Egyptian […]


As journalist, specializing in “homeland security matters”, it is reasonable for people to expect you to know what you are talking about. So when Mickey McCarter went on C-SPAN and started talking about the recent conviction of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the Underwear Bomber) call-in audience members asked repeatedly why he […]
