[youtube]6J4o3Tbf5kg[/youtube] A ten-minute collection of audio-video clips from the base of the WTC on 9/11. It features numerous reporters from different networks, many emergency services personnel, and many survivors describing repeatedly secondary explosions within the Twin Towers, suspicious devices, an exploding van parked inside one of the buildings, and similar […]


[youtube]D8B4-1I9Q98[/youtube] Richard Gage, AIA was the featured guest for 9.5 minutes during the morning TV talk show “Ireland:AM” on the popular mainstream TV3 channel which was broadcast throughout the country on 6/9/11. The producer also played most of the trailer of the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” which shows a […]


This week, hundreds of activists plan on challenging Israel’s apartheid by flying in to Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv as part of the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative. Heraclitis once stated that “There is nothing permanent except change,” and indeed human history is a chronicle of change — and the […]


  The only armed gangs that are attacking and killing people in Syria are the gangs which are wearing military uniform and are working for the regime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYXLcYsPeJ8 Today Hama is witnessing the beginnings of what could be another massacre – seven people killed and counting – as the regime […]
