Can a car really run on water? Yes …  if you can split off the H2 from the  H20… then the car could run on hydrogen derived from water. Can you accomplish this within the “engine” of a so-called water-fueled car? Yes again … it’s already being done. [ … […]


  [… and the world continues to turn, and noone making Israeli policy has learnt a damn thing. So very, very uninspiring.  ] Israel’s Jerusalem municipality approved the expansion of 2,000 homes in the settlement district of Ramat Shlomo in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, allowing each Israeli home to […]

Here’s a rare and strange clip. A Fox News commentator wonders why we’re starting new wars every week, lying about it and wasting billions of dollars. We’ve been asking that question for the last twenty plus years. Welcome to the club. [ Try & have a bucket near you when […]
