It seems the lame duck Congressional session is becoming anything but unproductive. Yesterday, we saw the cloture of the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510), and today the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act was unanimously approved by the US Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday with a 19-0 vote. The COICA […]

[ New Zealand should totally get some of these … ] Iran has successfully tested the newly-developed S200 air defense missile system, during the country’s biggest-ever air defense drill. [youtube]iu7EzBG8CwU[/youtube] It’s capable of identifying and hitting targets at low and medium altitudes. The exercise, which started on Tuesday, is meant […]


Redress Information & Analysis publishes the names, photographs and other details of 200 Israeli military commanders of various ranks suspected of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead against the people of Gaza, which resulted in the murder of more than 1,400 people, primarily civilians, including over 340 children. The information was received anonymously, […]
