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Two vessels carrying 46 international human rights activists have reached the Gaza Strip, despite Israel’s strict 14-month siege of the Palestinian territory. The end of the mission to symbolically break the siege came after Israel backed down from an earlier warning to the ‘Free Gaza’ protest group not to breach […]

It’s time to put an end to their 9 year uninterrupted celebration of death and destruction. [youtube]dYQ8QYb0lYU[/youtube] Especially since we’ve been footing the bill. [youtube]a8aGJlXuavk[/youtube] “September 11th attacks good for Israel” – Israeli PM Netanyahu

[ Apparently these things can follow your heartbeat around and -try as you might – you just cannot kick them over. And that noise they make is just plain creepy. ] [youtube]cNZPRsrwumQ[/youtube] [youtube]VNRtL8exd14[/youtube] [ I read a quote somewhere once that basically said one of the roles of science fiction […]

This interview by Agnès Rousseaux and Alexandro Rosinhawas was published by the French information web site BASTA! on January 27, 2009. It is based on Jean Ziegler’s latest book “Hatred of the West” (La Haine de l’Occident – Albin Michel, October, 2008) Jean Ziegler, one of the leading proponents in […]
