28 Days Later Jacknife Lee ‘Trainspotting’ Director Danny Boyle‘s entire harrowing interpretation of novelist and screenwriter Alex Garland‘s brutal & terrifying apocalyptic vision distilled by a killer edit right down to just over 6 kinetic minutes – set to an excellent little pounder from Jacknife Lee.


At times like these, I envy the people who passionately, frankly, with all their hearts, despise Israel. Hate Israel enough, and the Jewish state’s failings and blunders, its self-satisfied blindness and its resultant self-destructive policies, cause not pain, but delight. Hate Israel enough, and you’re spared all inclination to try […]

Its been nearly nine years since the attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon. September 11, 2001 is a day which, for many, has already been explained. However, there is a movement that has been picking up a lot of steam, thousands of people who say accounts given […]
