[youtube]c5jsiLWXGYQ[/youtube] The film is an astonishing exposure of the morbid conditions that entangle contemporary Jewish secular identity. It explores and ridicules the current notion of anti Semitism and the lobbies that are engaged in disseminating such a fear. It also exposes those Jewish ethnic campaigners who, for some reason, insist […]

A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, the Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of […]


Without doubt the most important satirical show of the 1990s. The Day Today was the programme that – under writer/producer Armando Iannucci (who made this) – launched the talents of  Patrick Marber, Doon Mackichan, Steve Coogan, Rebecca Front and, of course, Chris Morris firmly into the public eye. It was […]


[ … and why ?  Because Israel is this century’s Nazi Germany. That’s why. ] January 15, 2010 Jared Malsin, the editor of the English edition of Maan News Agency, has been detained by Israeli authorities. Malsin, a Jewish-American who lives and works in the West Bank, was picked up […]


How do you spell success? No head of state in recent history has been re-elected so many times by such an overwhelming majority of the population as has President Hugo Chávez Frías. [ … not even Bush II ? ] Any national leader in the world “would die for” his […]
