One year after his election, Barack Obama’s approval rating is lower at this stage than for any US president since Eisenhower. [ Even Bush II ? ] So why has the optimism surrounding his victory disappeared so suddenly? [ Barack Obama   …   … wanker … ] Every Wednesday […]


Film Review : Avatar, A Humanist Call from Mt. Hollywood by Gilad Atzmon Avatar may well be the biggest anti War film of all time. It stands against everything the West is identified with. It is against greed and capitalism, it is against interventionalism, it is against colonialism and imperialism, it […]

By Catherine Austin Fitts The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. – Matt Taibbi, “Inside the Great American Bubble Machine” The Great Vampire Squid For years, it was hard […]
