Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky posted a picture of a soldier wearing the insignia of a notorious Nazi SS division to his official Instagram account on Wednesday. The post, part of a series celebrating Ukraine’s Independence Day, was not the first piece of Nazi iconography shared by Zelensky. RTWed, 24 Aug […]
A growing number of scientists and other professionals and experts are of the same mind that so-called “global warming” and other climate change fictions are just that: fiction. Ethan Huff – Natural News Aug 22, 2022 At least 1,200 of them have signed on to the World Climate Declaration, which declares that there […]
In itself it’s notable that a professional athlete in the prime of life should suddenly die. That’s why it’s unusual that the BBC doesn’t expand on the cause of Rab Wardell’s death at 37, other than to say he “died in his sleep”. Aug 24, 2022 by We’ve cut the […]
It speaks for itself. And who discusses the alleged 9/11 Pentagon crash anymore anyhow? Never Forget! Kimiko_Komatsu 628 subscribers
“Forever chemicals are synthetic chemicals commonly used in consumer and industrial products. There are many types of these chemicals, known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Perfluooctane sulfate (PFOS) is just one type of PFAS…Researchers found that study participants with high levels of PFOS in their blood were four and […]
A plethora of related topics as communicated by our enigmatic correspondent G Squared. LIBERAL LUNACY The political divide in the now failed US is as Dem wide as their days of fighting to preserve slavery. The smoke and mirrors delusion. A stark divide of the malevolent, vengeful, corrupt and deranged, […]
As The Freedoms And Rights Coalition heads to Wellington, a counter-protest is planning to meet them. But who or what are the counter-protestors countering? According to Newshub: “The counter-protest, titled ‘Love Community: Hate Fascism’, will be led by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition. It has more than 600 people interested and […]
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is attempting to normalize the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans, via the Internet of Bodies – a highly controversial technology. By Sikh for Truth The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is the biological extension of the Internet of Things (IoT) that brought us driverless cars […]
The problem we face is not racism. The problem is that the weakening by design of the Christian religion in the Western world has unleashed Satanic evil, and the West has failed to confront and constrain evil. Paul Craig Roberts – Aug 18, 2022 A mantra of our time […]
From YT Shorts, Alex Jones has the perfect response at the perfect time: Like someone once told me, always tell the truth, there’s less to remember! Martin Oh yeah, I felt their pain from that blow. A special moment to be savored with a long cold drink and a replay […]