Great detective work from fellow NZ truther Ed at Outer Light. Not only is this so-called Documentary incredibly patronising, it turns out there are connections we aren’t being told about… Please visit Ed’s channel, give him a Like and subscribe for some great content! The Outer Light83.9K subscribers 🤗 Help […]

Climate change represents a major threat to New Zealand – but not because of the emissions produced by cows and sheep or from driving cars to the shops. Posted on July 26, 2022By Dr Muriel Newman The biggest threat comes from the unhinged obsession of climate fanatics – including New Zealand’s Prime Minister […]

Yes apparently even Robots need some Unconscious Bias Training these days. Strange times indeed! Carl Vernon170K subscribers Bestselling books and merch: Paypal tip: Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on the latest videos and live sessions. Carl Vernon Talks channel:…
