The Sun has reported on a piece of footage allegedly showing the Roswell alien being carried away on a stretcher. (Published 8 October 2017) Long term readers of Uncensored will be familiar with this footage that was first published by us some time back. ROSWELL ORIGINAL FOOTAGE OF DEAD […]
“For properties in the flat land residential red zone areas, being zoned red means that the land has been so badly damaged by the earthquakes it is unlikely that it can be rebuilt on for a prolonged period.” Red Zone information | Cera [production] Got that guys? Here’s […]
Vegas shooting: real vs. fake by Jon Rappoport October 6, 2017 These are a few observations leading to a hypothesis. First, there is a video, taken at ground level, of a man going from victim to victim lying on the ground at the concert. He is checking their pulses, asking […]
By Karen Foster Guest writer for Wake Up World “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ~ John Muir As a species, we’re just beginning to recognize that the environment is vital to our health. Evidence is increasing […]
President Donald Trump declined on Friday to explain what he meant when he described a gathering of military leaders as “the calm before the storm,” but the White House said he was not just being mischievous when he made the remark. Pressed about what he meant by Thursday’s comment, the […]
It appears that Trump’s Wall is going ahead, but is it a Trojan Horse for yet more erosion of privacy and freedom? Read on… Trump’s border wall moved one step closer to becoming reality, but will Americans be forced to give up privacy in the name of security? By Derrick Broze The […]
Prime minister plays down privacy implications of automated face-matching regime under anti-terrorism deal struck with states “Federal and state police will be given real-time access to passport, visa, citizenship and driver’s licence images for a wide range of criminal investigations – not just identifying terrorism suspects – following agreement between […]
Thanks To Doreen Agostino for the alert! From: StareshipEarth Well, Carmen Yulin Cruz and the Governor must be happy because the “genocide” Cruz mentioned is unfolding. For goddsake someone do something for these people. By design, they have no food, no water, people are dying. Hospitals are overwhelmed. They are […] Regular readers may remember this article not so long ago: Trump To The Future! What to make of all these Trump coincidences and connections? The universe works in strange ways! (No, I don’t think the world will end this month any more than it did last month, before you […]