WE WAS BRUNG UP PROPER !! “And we never had a whole Mars bar until 1993”!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank Sherry while they carried us and lived in […]


    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 19 1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. 2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of […]

Vaccine Industry In a Panic… Over Pending UN Removal of Mercury in Vaccine Action… Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen Monday, December 17th,  2012 More Articles About Vaccine Issues The Attack on Mark and David Geier… Why Was The Word-Wide Vaccine industry So Panicked Over The Geiers Addressing the UNEP […]


  Intensified Chemotherapy Shows Promise for Children With Very High Risk Form of Leukemia Dec. 10, 2012 — Young patients with an aggressive form of leukemia who are likely to relapse after chemotherapy treatment can significantly reduce those odds by receiving additional courses of chemotherapy, suggest the findings of a […]


CLG Breaking News and Commentary Last updated: 12/10/2012 21:06:55 3,000 US troops secretly return to Iraq via Kuwait December 10, 2012 by legitgov ShareThis 3,000 US troops secretly return to Iraq via Kuwait 09 Dec 2012 Over 3,000 US troops have secretly returned to Iraq via Kuwait for missions pertaining […]


The nation’s medicine chest is brimming with powerful new drugs. But each year, millions of Americans become sick or even die after adverse reactions to them. January 08, 2001|LINDA MARSA | TIMES HEALTH WRITER One little tablet forever changed Rosemary Porta’s life. The 58-year-old Pennsylvania school librarian went to her […]


This article can be found on the I-SIS website at https://www.i-sis.org.uk/ Electrodynamic_Activities_and_Their_Role_in_Organisation_of_Body_Pattern.php If you would like to be removed from our mailing list unsubscribe at https://www.i-sis.org.uk/unsubscribe or email unsubscribe@i-sis.org.uk ======================================================== ISIS Announcement 7/12/12 Electrodynamic Activities and Their Role in Organisation of Body Pattern ######################################################################## Announcing a new download from ISIS […]


  26 Amazing Facts About Finland’s Unorthodox Education System Adam Taylor    | Dec. 14, 2011, 9:00 PM Finland Helsinki Since it implemented huge education reforms 40 years ago, Finland’s school system has consistently come at the top for the international rankings for education systems. So how do they do it? […]

Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study finally being done. Please read this and donate to the effort. – Suzanne Humphries, MD – December 3, 2012   Parents say vaccines cause autism and autoimmune diseases and many other acute or chronic disease. The question is: is there any truth to this? How […]


 Congressional Autism Hearing: Take Note By Cathy Jameson Psst, did you hear that? Congress talked about autism.  Not just any old autism, but the autism that has increased by 1,000%.  And that it has something to do with vaccines and not “better detecting”.  The autism that has something to do […]
