telegraph.co.uk By Michael Meacher So, according to the Government, we are to have GM crops commercially grown in Britain from 2009, and if you don’t like your food being GM contaminated, too bad. That’s the clear message of Defra’s latest consultation paper proposing absurdly small separation distances between GM and […]

Adding to the horrors of the current offensive into Lebanon, with Afghanistan close to anarchy and Iraq drifting into civil war, Bush is now rushing depleted uranium (DU) bombs to Israel. This supports their colossal act of homicide and will increase further global contamination by radioactive DU particles.

Video News Reports – Warning – This video contains images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience. Click here to watch. https://informationclearinghouse.info/article14255.htm

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write! https://en.wikinews.org July 23, 2006 While whole blocks of Beirut are leveled to rubble and civilians flee by the thousands, the Bush administration is rushing a delivery of bombs to Israel, according to the New York Times. According to an article in […]

Robert Fisk in Beirut July 22, 2006 IN THE year AD 551, the magnificent, wealthy city of Berytus — headquarters of the Romans’ East Mediterranean fleet — was struck by a massive earthquake. In its aftermath, the sea withdrew several miles and the survivors — ancestors of the present-day Lebanese […]

https://www.rense.com/general72/plan.htm By Terrell E. Arnold 7-22-6 Late last week the Israelis issued an injunction to all people to evacuate southern Lebanon. The Israeli instructions are to clear the coastal region of Lebanon from the Israeli border to the Litani River. The zone to be evacuated is about 25 miles deep […]

Further to the article on MSG and Obesity in the new issue of UNCENSORED, this letter just in: Hi Jon, I have come across some new studies on MSG, published only last year, which could be included in the article, if it’s not too late. Here’s the paragraph, which would […]

Tamsyn Venning wrote: Hi, I used to listen to your interesting self on Kiwi FM when you had the interviews on a Tuesday, but when intending to write this email my mind went blank on the name of the magazine, except that there was a “c” in it! Thank goodness […]

https://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/7/prweb406904.htm Scholars for 9/11 Truth Under Attack  Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document. Member’s children threatened by name; teacher’s position under assault. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) July 4, 2006 — The author of an article about the attack on the World Trade Center has found himself under attack […]
