This website is a wonderful source of information, as one can find out the incidence of side-effects from drugs and vaccines as well as access many case histories by simply typing key words of what one is looking for into the search window. https://www.patientsville.com/ Here are some links to information […]


Source: newscientist.com A renewable carbon economy? Surely that’s a pipe dream? Perhaps not, now that solar power facilities are cropping up in deserts across California, Spain and North Africa. The idea is to use the sun to power chemical plants able to split carbon dioxide. Combine the resulting carbon monoxide […]


Order 100 today for only $20 Ships to you September 1 This September, the most important print item in the history of AE911Truth will make its debut. The “911 Investigator,” the first annual edition of our informative new color broadsheet newspaper, is now available for early order in our online […]

Source: cosmosmagazine.com LONDON: A breath test that can detect cancer is now able to identify different types of the disease, said scientists in a recent report. Their preliminary results, printed in the British Journal of Cancer, showed that the researchers’ sensors could distinguish whether a patient had lung, breast, bowel […]

Source: telegraph.co.uk Rabid vampire bats have attacked more than 500 people in Peru’s Amazon, leading to the deaths of four children. The attacks occurred in the village of Urakusa, in northeastern Peru, where the indigenous Aguajun tribe lives. At least four people are believed to have succumbed to rabies as […]

Source: thestreet.com NEW YORK – It may just be the summer doldrums, or the ominous occurrence of a Friday the 13 in mid-August, but the Hindenburg Omen — a technical indicator of an impending stock market crash — is suddenly as important a market mover as testimony from Federal Reserve […]


NZ Govt Select Committee admits that the new “SS” bill will confer enormous new powers onto 70+ government agencies. Download PDF of Interim Report Campaign website: https://www.stopthebillnow.blogspot.com Dear Friend of Human Rights This letter is about the Search and Surveillance Bill. An interim report on the Search and Surveillance Bill […]


Source: eutimes.net A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence “proving” that President Obama has unleashed America’s devastating “weather weapons” against the World. As we had previously reported on […]
