Mosireen is a non-profit media collective in Downtown Cairo born out of the explosion of citizen media and cultural activism in Egypt during the revolution. Armed with mobile phones and cameras, thousands upon thousands of citizens kept the balance of truth in their country by recording events as they happened […]
20 degrees below in Grizzly Country. Ivor Have you heard of Arthur Topham ? Arthur is in his 60,s, a hard working Canadian who was ambushed by the RCMP on on his journey to a hard days mining work. . He was placed and held in police custody for […]
[ h / t : Lommy. If Bill Hicks and Ewen Gilmore were ever to be able to somehow together have a child then it would probably look a lot like this ] [youtube]zGuU4xe225A[/youtube]
How the news media works and what it’s for. and how it has nothing to do with giving you the news. Video: – Brasscheck