When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it’s essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked – questions like: where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does that mean for the millions of ordinary people who […]
[ I’ll be buggered if I’m joining the Navy ] After exposing the biased policy of American’s movie rating system in his 2006 documentary “This Film Is Not Yet Rated,” Oscar-nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick has returned with a new investigative doco “The Invisible War” in which he tackles the controversial […]
Just some of the many tens of thousands of reasons why Vimeo [ which is soon to be banned by the country of India – for some reason ] shits all over is that much better than commercially focused broadcast television. . Youth Without Youth ~ A clip nicely chopped […]
The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has run two articles alleging that Syrian Sunni rebels committed the Houla massacre, reporting that the victims were largely from Alawi and Shia minorities in Houla. . This is important because the Syrian government has been blamed for the massacre and the massacre has […]
[ … … neat … like in THX-1138 ] A recent Supreme Court ruling on the appeals of Gitmo detainees leaves them with no ‘legal’ option but to die in detention. By not taking any of these cases, the Supreme Court has ensured that the government does not need to […]
“A massive fraud has been perpetrated – and we are the victims of a massive hoax.” Audio here
It seems to me that the millions of Americans caught in long-term unemployment are suffering from some kind of illness – a mental impairment that blocks their ability to be creative – called hopelessness. Through no fault of their own, they seem to lack the will to create their own […]
This is the story about how the American economy has gotten where it is today. And yes, while this is a cartoon, it is quite humorous and if you pay attention, you might just learn some important history as well. . Video here
Bilderberg Behind The New World Order? . For over half century, a collection of world leaders have been meeting annually across the globe, but this year the Bilderberg group, which many believe sets global agendas, is gathering in Chantilly, Virginia. A lot of people think the decisions made here only […]