An interview with Stephen Lendman – who has written some excellent press on our slavery mechanism. [youtube]ZIAsW14MRco[/youtube]
What is the message of the Occupy Wall Street protesters ? When we hear the protesters on Wall Street in New York chanting their messages and see the signs they carry, we should realize that they are very concise, mostly short and to the point, and very clear, but that […]
But that doesn’t mean you can get pissed and end up hitting your spouse. Now that this collective escapism is behind us – maybe we can start to pay attention to things that actually matter. Here’s what you missed while your culture and attention span was being utterly distracted and […]
Paul J. Balles reviews the crimes and cover-ups still awaiting the international spotlight, from Israel’s murder of US sailors aboard the USS Liberty, to Israel’s nuclear programme and Bush administration war crimes. Here’s a story to contemplate: From a passenger ship, everyone can see a bearded man on a small island. He […]
Buildings are crumbling, heavily armed fighters stand on every street corner and snipers lurk on rooftops – welcome to Sirte. See the rest here
Listed by Project Censored as the #1 censored news story of 2011, more soldiers have died at their own hands than in battle for two years in a row. It is extremely reflective of the pressure and stress that troops are under after ten years of ‘undeclared’ war. It is also reflective […]
[ … because they talk about many of the dirty little secrets that ABCMSNBCCBSBBCCNNFOX have kept hidden from you over the last decade ] [youtube]1xzlBmJcc9c[/youtube] Very relevant since UK is going to shut down PressTV on SKY. The Broadcasting Board of Governors is a bipartisan board comprised of nine members. […]
[youtube]INoBpTyIGIA[/youtube] [youtube]0k_W7N40OO8[/youtube] [youtube]6UOqKh-ooVE[/youtube] [youtube]4dmcUoPij5c[/youtube] [youtube]PL6BfAvNTm0[/youtube] [youtube]04OHp68pF_M[/youtube] [youtube]Wy0t5qwBER0[/youtube]