He’s 93. She’s 52. And they’ve both been put under house arrest by Zimbabwe’s army. At the centre of the crisis currently gripping Zimbabwe is President Robert Mugabe’s wife Grace. Her rise from political obscurity to become the front-runner to succeed her ageing husband appears to have prompted the country’s […]

Mrs. Katherine Griggs, wife of Colonel George Griggs (Special Operations) gives an insight of the twisted evil of the American Intelligence community and the methods they use to recruit and control operatives.   https://youtu.be/Dp_i1F-1lcA https://youtu.be/c0qqX890Sb8 https://youtu.be/c0qqX890Sb8 https://youtu.be/C0itQ1mJSwc

From Jeff Wefferson: This unprecedented naval ‘war game’ in Auckland harbour brought U.S. warships for the first time in over 30 years and with them the ‘next generation’ of geo-physical/planetary weaponization technologies. The entire scenario of this quake bore an uncanny resemblance to the quakes that destroyed Christchurch in February […]
