FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening […]
Jared Kushner: The young, well spoken, impeccably groomed son-in-law seems to be unstoppable in his rise to prominence. I mark him as a man to watch very closely. There is certain to be speculation and controversy galore with this man! FROM REUTERS: By Luke Baker | JERUSALEM JERUSALEM U.S. President Donald […]
From ActivistPost: “Propaganda for Peace, Love, and Liberty” June 18, 2017 By Janet Phelan In 2014, a moratorium was placed on federally funded research which involved making flu viruses more lethal. The moratorium was placed after heated debate generated by research published by a Netherlands team, headed up by Ron […] Interesting but disturbing documentary: View with discretion!… New Zealand author John D. Christian in his book (CENSORED BY THE NEW ZEALAND MEDIA) MURDER AT PIKE RIVE MINE [SECOND EDITION] published January 21, 2011, stated in his “Timeline of Corruption” on page 60: “66) November 29, 2010: FIRE FROM VENTILATION SHAFT (see other dates as well). […]
Source: neon nettle An investigation into The Clinton Foundation by a financial analyst from Harvard University has revealed fraud on a “monumental scale”, according to reports. Charles Ortel claims to have evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed the largest case of charity fraud in American history.Ortel, one of the […]
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The internet is buzzing with chatter about a new Facebook “feature” that allegedly peers into smartphone users’ eyes to detect their emotional states. The social media giant has reportedly filed a patent for the new technology which, should it be officially […]
Interesting perspective on the whole Trump/Comey/Russian collusion scenario: “The Democrats are not fighting Trump over his assault on health care, his attacks on immigrants, his militaristic bullying around the world, or even his status as a minority president who can claim no mandate after losing the popular vote. Instead, […]
Article from Jeffrey Wefferson (Thanks Jeff) NOTE FROM JEFF: The worst part of all this is that with the ‘Pacific Pivot’ militarization of the south Pacific and the massive shift of U.S. naval and other military operations down under, into highly colonized and compliant Australia and New Zealand, ALL THESE TECHNOLOGIES […]
WHO IS THIS MAN? Something Strange is Going On… Jared Kushner globalist george soros connection donald trump 666 fifth avenue israel antichrist spirit on earth? jason a “For someone with no prior government experience, Jared Kushner has accumulated a dizzying array of portfolios in the administration of his father-in-law President […]