Hard to believe this little communist nation can generate so much fuss. More manufactured diversion? One minute it’s imminent financial collapse, the next it’s imminent nuclear Armageddon. What next…? https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/world/world-leaders-condemn-north-korea-over-missile-launches/ar-AAnU70A?li=BBqdg4K&ocid=SK2MDHP A shocked international community has condemned North Korea after it launched four ballistic missiles on Monday morning, three of which […]

Resurrection of Armageddon Paul Craig Roberts https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/02/27/resurrection-armageddon-paul-craig-roberts/ “The U.S. intelligence community’s extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming improper ties between President Trump’s team and Russia seeks to ensure a lucrative New Cold War by blocking detente.” — Gareth Porter It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate President […]

https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/new-nationwide-policies-for-1080-to-be-rolled-out/ar-AAnp7I5?ocid=SK2MDHP The government is set to introduce new regulations to enforce the use of poisons like 1080. Currently it is up to regional councils to set rules for the use of 1080 and other poisons in their region. But now the government will set rules to apply throughout the country, […]
