A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations into deaths in New Zealand. from The Expose A deceased person is usually referred to a Coroner when a medical doctor is not able to write a death certificate […]
A major survey into the accuracy of climate models has found that almost all the past temperature forecasts between 1980-2021 were excessive compared with accurate satellite measurements. Chris MorrisonThe Daily ScepticSat, 08 Oct 2022 A major survey into the accuracy of climate models has found that almost all the past […]
UFO Disclosure? In this video, we take a look at some of the claims made by Carol Rosin regarding a potential fake alien threat/invasion and see how those claims stack up against current events. Concealed Unsealed Concealed Unsealed 214 subscribers SEE ALSO: …and of course you’ll find a multitude of […]
It’s just a jump to the Left. And then a step to the Right. But was it all planned that way, and what will the outcome be? Editor’s comment by Martin Harris It’s tempting to think that the turning of the tide will bring respite from the madness of the […]
This is from a source whose information seems to have a track record of reliability: by Hal Turner I wrote yesterday that the hysteria around the “use of nuclear weapons by Moscow” scares me. Unfortunately, there are other indications that there may be something behind it. Not 100%. Still… (coming soon)https://t.me/craZybear2022/18779https://stopbioweapons.org/imper/328-snbo-ukrainy-i-nato-gotovjat-jadernuju-provokaciju-dlja-obvinenija-rossii.htmlI would […]
The attack on the Nord Stream system is not unprecedented. If this is a new topic, you haven’t been paying attention. I’ll run a backgrounder at a later point but for now raw news. – Orage Update 9/28 Bernard of Moon of Alabama has a treasure trove of clues Yesterday’s […]
More and more disturbing details are coming to light in connection with the bombing of the Nord stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. Published: October 1, 2022, 8:47 am Free West Media The Arabic news channel Al Mayadeen reported that weeks before the attack, US helicopters were circling over the sea area […]
Is Pope Francis the harbinger of the NWO’s One World Religion? This has always been a goal of the UN and an intrinsic part of the infamous Project Blue Beam plan. To merge all religions and create a government-controlled false religion that makes the masses obedient both politically and ideologically. […]
Nord Stream: Some sources are blaming the US directly, others allude to “Ukraine linked special forces”, which could amount to the same thing. Any way you look at it, sabotage is surely what this is? MH So is this a case of “Mission accomplished”? There’s more: BOTH Nord Stream Gas […]
Is this explosive alleged RAND document on the “suiciding” of Germany real or a hoax? Read the article, view the PDF in the link and form your own conclusions. MH by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who […]