“Sleight-of-Mind misdirection (Babylon Magick) to distract mass consciousness and [to prevent] it from developing into a singularity where the Common Man’s consciousness merges into a powerful force which could be used to free himself from economic slavery.” anonymous coward:  https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1387942/pg1 The Japanese economy has now been effectively destroyed. With conveniently few […]


Government buildings are reported to be on fire in the Libyan capital Tripoli as demonstrators demand an end to the 41-year rule of Colonel Gaddafi. [youtube]NXiTuxqRk2Y[/youtube] The son of the Libyan leader blamed opposition groups and outsiders for instigating the protests. The army is reported to be using live ammunition […]


In a world full of madness and chaos, you’ve got to keep your sense of humor or else you’ll go friggin’ nuts. The Vinny Eastwood Show is on the “cutting edge” of where the media is going. Armed with a camera and an amazing sense of humour Vinny aka Mr. […]
