NOTES ON A FUNDAMENTAL PSY-WAR STRATEGY, KNOWN AS “FALSE-FLAG” OPERATIONS…which continues to unfold…TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC. “Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” Zbigniew Brzezinski
Conspiracies Sex, Lies and Call Girls: Why the U.S. Media Is a Whore by Douglas Herman Suspicions Strengthened by Earlier Reports by Michael Keefer September 25, 2005 Does anyone remember the shock with which the British public greeted the revelation four years ago that one of the members of the Real IRA unit whose bombing attack in Omagh on August 15, 1998 killed twenty-nine […]
Source: Muddy And Bloody In Louisiana And Iraq By John Kaminski 9-27-5 Our unconfronted fear of death makes us kill all those people. When you cover up life with myth and ritual, you can’t see anything for what it is.
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders
Comparison between Rise of Hitler and Rise of Bush Read the article:
The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required. William Rivers Pitt: 02/25/03 Information […]
Bush Heads To Colorado For Military Takeover Drill Prison Planet | September 23 2005 Reuters reports, President George W. Bush canceled his trip to Texas on Friday to avoid interfering with the move of a search-and-rescue team closer to the area where Hurricane Rita was to hit, the White House […]
NOTE: This report is currently unverified by Tom Flocco – Source: Germany – September 22, 2005 French and American intelligence agents have arrested Barbara Olson, the wife of a former Bush administration official, a few days ago on the Polish-German border, according to agents close to and with knowledge […]