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Complaints about the government’s Three Waters Reform TV adverts have described them as misinformation, untrue and a taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign. From RNZ (link below) The government is proposing to amalgamate council-owned drinking, waste and stormwater infrastructure and services into four regional bodies. The $3.5 million advertising campaign, which began in June […]
A Perfect Storm is brewing. The End of Life Choice Act will come into force in New Zealand From Sunday 7th November, New Zealanders will be able to start requesting to have their lives ended by assisted suicide or euthanasia. Simultaneously, a “No jab no Job” policy is creeping into […]
WATCH AND LEARN! This is how MSM “fact-checkers” mislead and deceive. Martin Project Veritas1.36M subscribers Donate: Get emails:… Follow: Telegram: FB: IG:… Telegram: IG:… Mission Statement Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions […]
As euthanasia and right-to-die activists debate the use of a new lethal drug for euthanasia in the Netherlands, certain activists are promoting ‘rational suicide’ as an alternative to the current legislative framework. Philip Nitschke and his partner, Fiona Stewart, are leading advocates of the ‘rational suicide’ movement, which believes […]
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Ardern calls everyday freedom a “reward” for the vaccinated, after PROMISING there would be no penalties for the unvaccinated. Martin If you are not vaccinated, there will be everyday things you will miss out on, the prime minister says. A new Covid-19 response framework is being finalised […]
The “Non Compliant Movie” verbalizes what the compliant and complacent masses have been indoctrinated and vaccinated with. In its purest form the continual incremental re-interpreting of our constitution is analogous to the Federal Government testing the citizen sheep willingness to be controlled by edict to wear a mask and take […]
” US President Ronald Reagan’s famous expression, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help” used to bring a chuckle from New Zealanders, who traditionally regarded ‘The Government’ as benign. Not any more.” COVID WINSBy Dr Muriel Newman US […]
A “must watch” speech from Senator Pat Toomey ‘Where Would A Person Even Come Up With These Ideas?’ Toomey Points To Soviet Upbringing Of Nominee Forbes Breaking News919K subscribers Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to discuss the candidacy of Saule Omarova to run the […]
…Of the media manipulation and collusion that’s going on everywhere. 14-Year Old Dies FROM Covid? Fake News Does It Again! Viva Frei Vlawg Viva Frei385K subscribersJOIN Fake news deserves to mocked mercilessly. Here’s my best effort. This story is enough to make your stomach turn. Join this channel to get […]