The Green Party is the first in Parliament to put a price on water. They want bottling companies to pay 10c per litre they take to sell. The tax would apply to both domestic sellers and exporters. All revenue created from the policy will be divided equally between local councils […]
Corporate Corruption
Stillbirth mum sent ‘congrats’ The Press 7 Jul 2017 CATE BROUGHTON A woman still grieving for her two stillborn children was mistakenly sent a letter congratulating her on ‘‘the arrival of your baby’’. The Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) has apologised to Sarah Wilson, of Christchurch, who was extremely upset […]
I understand that the speaker is CIA Insider Kevin Shipp (?) If anyone knows otherwise please let us know. 2 Jul 17 A MUST watch whistleblower! A REAL eye opener (TRUTH) on many topics and issues! 39:46 This is Why Evidence is NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE – […] US President Donald Trump has defended his use of social media in a series of tweets, following a row over comments he made about two MSNBC TV presenters. “My use of social media is not presidential – it’s modern day presidential,” he tweeted on Saturday. Earlier in the week, […]
Sovereign Debt Jubilee, Japanese-Style Thursday, June 29, 2017 By Ellen Brown, The Web of Debt Blog | News Analysis Let’s face it. There is no way the US government is ever going to pay back a $20 trillion federal debt. The taxpayers will just continue to pay interest on it, […] MINT PRESS NEWS ATHENS (Analysis)– Day by day, we’re moving towards a brave new world where every transaction is tracked, every purchase is recorded, the habits and preferences of everyone noted and analyzed. What I am describing is the “cashless society,” where plastic and electronic money are king, while banknotes […]
Protests in various cities throughout Italy during the past week (June 2017). Image source. Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This […]
What is the New World Order? Multinational Signals Intelligence War leads to the erosion of liberty for the benefit of the military-industrial complex. World War II set in motion the destruction of privacy and the formation of an Orwellian Police State controlled by the National Security Agency (NSA) of […] When Evil comes a knocking, #OpGASPUMP WARRIORS RISE UP! Suzanne Maher is sending out “10” more #OpGASPUMP Packages Today!! AWESOMENESS! We are the RESISTANCE! Order yours today! Click here:…… By Suzanne Maher Operation Gas Pump is Here – A World Wide Call to Action Start Waking […]