So Iceland decided not to follow the rest of the world by bailing out the bankers. Instead, they chose to arrest them. Now their economy is recovering faster than the EU and the United States … Hmmmm. . Read the rest here
Corporate Corruption
The Supreme Court of Canada Drives A Dagger Through The Heart of Canadian Democracy. by Robin Mathews “I say the ruling has come down – Do Not Accept It! It is a tragedy for the nation. It is a betrayal of Canadian Democracy. I am saying do not accept the […]
[ It couldn’t happen to a nicer buncha guys ] Despite yesterday’s blowout $6 billion or so profit from ANZ, it turns out all is not entirely well in Australia’s financial services industry. For the last five years, the pattern in the markets has been the same. A crisis starts […]
HBO’s 1920’s set gangland soap boldly articulates how the worlds of the Republicans, the Democrats, the Mafias, and local and federal law enforcement all began to slowly overlap in the interests of their own common interest. [ Now in it’s third season ] [youtube]UnPN7ITWxdE[/youtube]
Pro-independence parties are now at the helm in Spain’s Basque Country, while elections in Catalonia could bring about even more separatist forces to the forefront. But it’s Scotland that’s at the top of the breakaway trend now, as it has a real chance to go it alone. That’s after London […]
There’s been no let up in the bloody assault on Libya’s Bani Walid – with more weapons apparently sent to pro-government militias in the area. This is according to a man whose relatives are trapped inside the besieged town. [youtube]sboQMdW21WI[/youtube] READ MORE
A woman has been convicted of giving cannabis to her 3-month old baby through her breast milk, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind in New Zealand. The 29-year-old Wanganui woman was charged with administering a class C controlled drug, namely cannabis, to a person […]
[ Posted for the sort of person that thinks that it doesn’t really matter whether 911 was done by Arabs or not ]