Has Africa made it to the list of US geopolitical priorities? Why is the US military expanding its secret intelligence operations in Africa? What is behind the growth of AFRICOM? Why is the US training and equipping militaries in a number of African states? Is it a price to pay […]
Corporate Corruption
[youtube]cZHich7pFg8[/youtube] [youtube]yUErxJlOcqo[/youtube] [youtube]0dYhuKrrmuQ[/youtube]
This old order of things is about to make itself extinct by its own hand. How can I say these people will make themselves obsolete and irrelevant? Do you remember when we use to go walking inside the indoor shopping malls? One of my favorite places to go is the […]
GlaxoSmithKline, Britain’s biggest pharmaceutical group, has been selling anti-depressant drugs in the US for unapproved uses on children, concealing critical evidence from US regulator the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relating to a diabetes product, and offering lavish entertainment to doctors willing to promote its medicines. The problems came […]
Prof Brian Cox claimed the UK has spent more on saving banks in a year than it had on science “since Jesus”. He also appeared to reject Alastair Campbell’s suggestion to stand as an MP – claiming only the prime minister has any real power and nothing much happens […]
Lew Rockwell, founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses his “War and Inflation“speech at a 2008 Future of Freedom Foundation conference, how central banking allows governments to fund wars and empire through money printing instead of direct taxation, keeping a lid on internal dissent, why deflation is […]
The US’ increasingly unhinged rhetoric reached a new level of absurdity this week as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Western nations and their Arab proxies to “make it clear that Russia and China will pay a price because they are holding up progress” in regards to the […]
We have to stay focused on what the real problem in banking is. We need to tackle the creation of money, by private profit seeking-banks, for their own short-term interest. A system like this will never work well for society or ordinary people. . So here’s four things you can do […]
[ Looking on the bright side – ‘The Draft’ was one of the factors that helped end the Vietnam War. well … … it helped end the Vietnam War for Americans, anyway ] Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former top commander of international forces in Afghanistan, said this week that the United […]