Francis Boyle : Judgement at Indonesian hearing may help push case at ICC, Obama in violation for not pursuing indictment [youtube]ZKKJA6qIlsw[/youtube] Thanks to for the video [ The Real News is well worth subscribing to, IMOHO ]
Corporate Corruption
Once upon a time, the largest U.S. cities were the envy of the entire world. Sadly, that is no longer the case. Sure, there are areas of New York City, Boston, Washington and Los Angeles that are still absolutely beautiful but for the most part our major cities are rapidly […]
More bombings in Damascus – Is Syria headed to a civil war in spite of the UN ceasefire? Clashes have erupted between pro and anti Assad groups in northern Lebanon and news of a group of Lebanese pilgrims abducted by anti-government armed groups in Syria. Is Syrian violence spreading into […]
A clip about the corrupt westminster system. His comments about how politicians claim a mandate for this and that after they are elected, much like king john is claiming for asset sales, are pertinent. Worth listening to, if you haven’t already. [youtube]_1UDxgTrR08[/youtube]
New Zealand says it will withdraw its small contingent of troops from Afghanistan a year earlier than planned. Prime Minister John Key told reporters Tuesday that the 145 New Zealand troops stationed in Bamiyan province will come home in late 2013 rather than 2014. [ Big deal. That’s still 18 […]
A fearsome [ yet, obsolete ] Royal Navy nuclear-powered submarine is on its way to the Falklands as tensions simmer on the 30th anniversary of Britain’s war with Argentina. HMS Talent, armed with Tomahawk missiles, was despatched in a show of power after Argentina increased friction over the disputed islands […]
AE911Truth is proud to announce the completion of the Final Edition of our milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, and we are taking the film on the road with a whirlwind World Premiere Tour across the U.S. starting today. The director of Experts Speak Out, AE911Truth founder […]
[ Hey isn’t it really weird how a ‘missile shield’ can also look a lot like just plain ‘missiles’ ? Some pricks just have no clue as to how to play nice with others. ] NATO leaders launched Sunday the first phase of a US-led missile shield for Europe, risking […]
White-collar criminologist and former senior financial regulator William Black addresses the grassroots reaction to austerity measures in Europe – from the “Indignados” movement in Spain to the anti-bailout elections in France and Greece – as well as in the United States, where the Occupy movement is re-emerging as the presidential […]
Thirty to 50 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars may have fought hard for or suffered for their medals, but this weekend, they plan to hand those medals back during the NATO summit in Chicago, MSNBCreports. The group will stage the demonstration in protest of the war on […]